Three Holocaust survivors describe incredible stories of how music quite literally saved their lives in the Days of Remembrance film Music Saved My Life.
comcast, holocaust, music, musical performance, Kurt Messerschmidt / Friday, May 1, 2015
As part of USC Shoah Foundation’s Preserving the Legacy initiative, 281 testimonies from Holocaust Museum Houston are currently being indexed for integration into the Visual History Archive.
houston, holocaust, testimony, visual history archive / Monday, May 11, 2015
Stefan (Teofil) Kosinski’s testimony is the only English-language testimony we have in the Visual History Archive from a homosexual survivor, which is also remarkable for the fact that Stefan is not a native English speaker.
GAM, gay, homosexuality, holocaust, homosexual, paragraph 175, gay rights, Gay Pride Month, gay pride, op-eds / Monday, May 18, 2015