Planned Giving Body Text

USC Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education benefits immensely from gifts made by individuals through their estate plans. 

More than 50,000 eyewitnesses and survivors of the Holocaust have entrusted their testimonies to the USC Shoah Foundation.  Your testamentary or bequest gift will ensure that not only this generation but future generations learn directly from their faces, their voices and their message of hope.  A bequest (a gift given through a will), regardless of the size, can memorialize a loved one and leave a meaningful legacy for your family, the community, and future generations. 

By designating the USC Shoah Foundation in your will or living trust, you can aid the Institute’s worldwide educational commitment to overcome prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance.  A testamentary gift allows you to make a significant contribution without reducing your current income.  A bequest to the USC Shoah Foundation has several other advantages:

  • Wills provide a heartfelt opportunity to express your values to your family and friends.
  • The USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education is an Institute at USC which is a 501(c)(3) public charity and bequests are 100% deductible for estate-tax purposes.  USC’s federal tax ID number is 95-1642394.
  • You will be invited to join the USC Trojan Legacy Circle and the USC Shoah Foundation Legacy for Humanity Circle.

Your support now will:

  • Preserve the memory of the remarkable people who entrusted their stories to the USC Shoah Foundation Institute.
  • Educate future generations about prejudice and intolerance
  • Guarantee the delivery of the visual history testimonies to schools and other educational settings throughout the United States and around the world.

Click here for sample bequest language that will help you to allocate a bequest gift to the USC Shoah Foundation–The Institute for Visual History and Education.

For further information please contact Andrea Waldron, Executive Director of Development, 213-740-6051,


United States
53° 5' 33.3708" N, 101° 25' 32.8116" E