Application Deadline Approaches for Center for Advanced Genocide Research’s Genocide Prevention Research Fellowship

LOS ANGELES – Dec. 1, 2016 – USC Shoah Foundation’s Center for Advanced Genocide Research issues a call for applications for a fellowship opportunity that enables an advanced-standing Ph.D. candidate to spend a month in residence at the University of Southern California to further the field of genocide prevention.
Research proposals are due on Thursday, Dec. 15 for the Genocide Prevention Research Fellowship, which provides $4,000 in support for room and board and will be awarded to an outstanding Ph.D. candidate from any discipline. The chosen candidate will spend a month during spring semester in 2017 at the Center on campus at USC.
Specifically, the Center is looking for proposals that can break new ground on the cultural and societal dynamics that precipitate or deter genocide. The fellowship grants the awardee full access to USC’s deep trove of genocide resources – which includes the near-complete set of original transcripts from the Nuremberg Trials – as well as USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive, the world’s largest collection of video testimony from genocide survivors and witnesses who lived through not only the Holocaust, but also mass atrocities that have occurred in Armenia, Rwanda, Guatemala and China.
Throughout his or her residency, the fellow will be expected to provide the Center with new perspectives on research, play a role in Center activities and give a public talk.
Decisions will be based on the originality of the proposal and its potential to advance the field – preferably making use of the testimonies from the Visual History Archive.
The new fellowship is made possible through an anonymous donor’s $100,000 gift to USC Shoah Foundation that will also help award scholarships to support students in the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, and provide funding to convene experts in the field of genocide prevention at USC.
USC is the home of internationally unique and growing research resources. In addition to the 54,000 testimonies in USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive, they include a Holocaust and genocide studies collection at Doheny Memorial Library with 20,000 primary and secondary sources; and a special collection containing private papers of German and Austrian Jewish emigrants, including Lion Feuchtwanger, from the Third Reich.
To submit an application, send a cover letter with proposed dates of residency, a CV, a 1-3 page proposal abstract, a writing sample and a letter of recommendation from your Ph.D. advisor by 11:59 p.m. Dec. 15 to
About USC Shoah Foundation
USC Shoah Foundation — The Institute for Visual History and Education is dedicated to making audio- visual interviews with survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, a compelling voice for education and action. The Institute’s current collection of more than 54,000 eyewitness testimonies contained within its Visual History Archive preserves history as told by the people who lived it, and lived through it. Housed at the University of Southern California, within the Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the Institute works with partners around the world to advance scholarship and research, to provide resources and online tools for educators, and to disseminate the testimonies for educational purposes.
Visual History Archive® is a registered trademark of USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education Reg. U.S. Pat & Tm. Off.
About Center for Advanced Genocide Research
The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research is dedicated to advancing new areas of interdisciplinary research on the Holocaust and other genocides. One area of research addresses the fundamental question of what enables people to oppose or resist racist ideologies, state discrimination practices, or the active participation in mass atrocities. Other research interests include Research on Violence, Emotion and Behavioral Change and Digital Genocide Studies.