Meet Aurora Prize Laureate Dr. Tom Catena at USC

The programs are hosted by the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, in collaboration with the USC Keck School of Medicine, the USC Office of Religious Life, the USC Dornsife Center for Religion and Civic Culture, the USC Shoah Foundation, the USC Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, and the USC Caruso Catholic Center.
Opportunities to meet Dr. Tom at USC on Feb. 5
A Conversation with Dr. Tom Catena
11 am - 12:30 pm | USC Health Campus
Mayer Auditorium, Keith Administration Building
1975 Zonal Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089
RSVP at (code: catena)
Meet and Greet with Dr. Tom Catena
4 pm - 5 pm | USC Institute of Armenian Studies
2518 Trousdale Parkway
Building: VKC 351
Los Angeles, CA 90089
HEALING HANDS: A Conversation with Tom Catena
7 pm - 8 pm | Caruso Catholic Center
844 W. 32nd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007