Aliza Liberman
Bringing Testimony to Spanish-Speaking Audiences
The grandchild of a Holocaust survivor, Aliza Liberman wonders whether her children will feel as connected to its horrors and lessons as she does. As a member of USC Shoah Foundation’s Next Generation Council, Liberman is doing what she can to ensure future generations feel that bond by supporting the Institute’s mission.
From a young age, the Holocaust was part of her life. “The fact that my grandfather never talked much about his life and his family in Poland always moved me to know more,” Liberman says. Though she ended up with many unanswered questions about his experience, she was eager to learn about other survivors’ stories.
“The best way to understand the collective impact of the Holocaust and other genocides is to look at the individual experiences,” she says. “Testimonies make a palpable impression.” Liberman hopes that the testimonies will allow people to become aware of the dangers of bigotry, bullying, and racism, so they will “learn to condemn it.”
Her contributions include making sure the stories are accessible to Spanish-speaking audiences. Providing information to people in their native tongue helps them understand the Holocaust and other events more deeply, creating a stronger impact.
Ultimately, Liberman believes that survivor testimonies will help students — including her own children — understand the human impact of the Holocaust.