Tianfu Bank
Moral Responsibility
Tianfu Bank and Tianfu Group support the collection of Nanjing Massacre survivors’ testimonies for USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive and New Dimensions in Testimony project. They want to ensure that the world will learn from — and never forget — the Nanjing Massacre, which resulted in the mass rape and killing that began on December 13, 1937, and lasted for several weeks, ending nearly 300,000 lives.
“Schools generally have been Euro-centric in the coverage of World War II, at the expense of students’ ability to fully appreciate the magnitude of this man-made horror,” Tianfu Group Executive Director Hubert “R.J.” Huang says. “World War II’s Asian history must also be learned, because events are linked. We are blessed that we are able to support USC Shoah Foundation's essential work.”
Huang and his partners see the work of USC Shoah Foundation as vitally important. “I work and give with my friends to honor our parents,” Tianfu Group’s Hao Wu says. “Every one of us is morally responsible to contribute — no matter his or her capacity — to make the world better.”
“New Dimensions in Testimony has the ability to connect students directly with survivors, creating a sense of awareness for our shared humanity, which should help students empathize with others and reject hatred,” says Huang.