Heroines of the Holocaust: Frameworks of Resistance - Mini-Conference

A Zoom mini-conference featuring Holocaust and genocide scholars
Hanna Abukanova (University of Sheffield, UK)
Wolf Gruner (University of Southern California)
Khatchig Mouradian (Columbia University)
Avihu Ronan (University of Haifa)
Daniella Ozacky-Stern (Bar-Ilan University)
Hannah Wilson (Nottingham Trent University)
Organized by the Wagner College Holocaust Center
This hourlong Zoom mini-conference will feature leading international scholars of the Holocaust and Genocide who will highlight women rescuers and resisters in daily life, in ghettos, forests, labor and death camps, including Jewish and non-Jewish women professionals and partisans. Often overlooked, women were critical to the Jewish underground and other resistance networks as armed fighters and strategists, as couriers of intelligence and false papers and in operating educational, cultural and humanitarian initiatives.This symposium hopes to create a new narrative around agency in the Shoah and other genocides and to promote a rethinking of leadership in Holocaust resistance and rescue, which may inspire transformative activism today. View schedule here.
The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research is one of the benefactors of the wider symposium "Heroines of the Holocaust: Frameworks of Resistance - An International Symposium," which has been postponed until June 15-16, 2022. Read more about the symposium here.
Register for the Zoom Mini-Conference Here