Kelly Leah Stewart (Gabrieliño-Tongva/Luiseño) is a Doctoral Candidate in the Joint Degree Program in Educational Leadership at the University of California, San Diego, and California State University, San Marcos. She earned a Master of Arts in American Indian Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Building off her master’s thesis, Kelly is currently working on her dissertation – “Unconditional Love: Honoring Our Ancestors’ Experiences and Legacy at St. Boniface Indian Industrial School” - which examines the legacy and educational experiences of California Indians who attended St. Boniface and the intergenerational impacts that the institution had on survivors and their descendants. Her research explores California Indian knowledge transmission practices and colonial schooling during the Spanish mission, Mexican rancho, and American boarding school eras. She currently works as a Graduate Research Associate for the Indigenous Futures Institute at UC San Diego on the Unmapping UC: Motkoolahooee project. Upon completing her doctoral degree, Kelly will join the American Indian Studies Department at California State University, Long Beach, as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Spring of 2023.