Edward Heuberger

Jewish Holocaust Survivor

Interview language: Portuguese

Edward Heuberger, was transferred to the Brünnlitz Concentration Camp, Czechoslovakia, in 1944. He recalls his arrival at the camp and describes the improved living conditions as well as the favorable working environment provided to the Jewish prisoners at Oskar Schindler’s factory. There, he was in charge of about 30 Jewish prisoners whose job was to assemble the machinery brought in from Schindler’s munitions factory in Cracow, Poland.  He remembers Emilie Schindler, the wife of Oskar Schindler, and speaks of her efforts to obtain medication for the small hospital she set up within the camp in Brünnlitz.


Edward Heuberger was born on January 4, 1914, in Cracow, Austria-Hungary, now Poland. During the Holocaust, he was ghettoized in late 1941 and lived in the Cracow Ghetto until 1942. He was then deported to the Krakau-Plaszow Concentration Camp, Poland, where he performed forced labor in metal works under difficult living conditions. In 1944, Edward Heuberger was transferred, by way of the Gross Rosen Concentration camp, Germany, to the Brünnlitz Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia. There, under improved living conditions, he worked in Oskar Schindler’s factory installing the machines brought in from Schindler’s factory in Cracow. Edward Heuberger was liberated by the Soviet armed forces in May 1945.