What is the VHA Body Text

The Visual History Archive is an online portal from USC Shoah Foundation that allows users to search through and view 57,466 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides that have been catalogued and indexed at the Institute. These testimonies were conducted in 70 countries and in 45 languages.

Since April 2013, the Visual History Archive has expanded to include a collection of 154 audiovisual testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi genocide. Conducted in two countries (U.S.A. and Rwanda), and two languages (English and Kinyarwanda), the initial collection of Rwandan testimonies was accomplished in collaboration with Aegis Trust and the Kigali Genocide Memorial, with additional support provided by IBUKA.

Since February 2014, 102 audiovisual testimonies of survivors of the 1937-38 Nanjing Massacre have been integrated into the VHA. These testimonies are in Mandarin and were conducted in Nanjing, China, through a partnership with the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall.

Testimonies from survivors and witnesses to the Armenian Genocide were integrated into the Visual History Archive in April 2015, the centennial of that historic event. For this collection the USC Shoah Foundation partnered with the late Dr. J. Michael Hagopian who filmed all the interviews, his wife Antoinette and the Armenian Film Foundation.    

Find out more about the Visual History Archive:

Collecting Testimonies | Cataloguing and Indexing | Preserving the Archive


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53° 5' 33.3708" N, 101° 25' 32.8116" E