COMFORT WOMEN WANTED: Movie Screening and Q&A with Director Chang-Jin Lee

Thursday, February 24th, 2015, 7:00 PM
Ray Stark Family Theatre
Over 200,000 young women, known as 'comfort women,' were systematically exploited as Japanese military sex slaves during World War II. The comfort women system is considered the largest case of human trafficking in the 20th century.
Despite growing awareness of human trafficking, this particular history has gone largely unacknowledged. COMFORT WOMEN WANTED attempts to bring to light this instance of organized violence against women, and to create a constructive dialogue for the future by acknowledging their place in history.
The video is based on Chang-Jin Lee’s interviews in 7 countries with Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, Indonesian, Dutch, and Filipino "comfort women" survivors, as well as a former Japanese soldier.
To learn more about the film, please visit:
The screening will be followed by a Q&A session with director Chang-Jin Lee, a visual artist based in New York City.
This event is cohosted with the USC School of Cinematic Arts and the USC Korean Studies Institute.