Esther Ross on Survival
Event Details

Holocaust Memory Across Generations

January 28, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
The USC Shoah Foundation, USC Casden Institute, and USC Hillel held a panel discussion in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Start: January 28, 2024 / 4:00 PM

Sorgente di vita

Voci, ricordi, racconti degli scampati al sanguinoso pogrom del 7 ottobre scorso in Israele: storie di fughe e nascondigli, di lutti e angoscia raccolte in un grande archivio audiovisivo. (Voices, memories, stories of the survivors of the bloody pogrom of last October 7 in Israel: stories of escapes and hiding places, of mourning and anguish collected in a large audiovisual archive.)

Shaylee Atary Winner on Escaping Terrorists
USC Shoah Foundation Year-In-Review 2023
Israel Collection Promo Reel
Decoding Antisemitism
Antisemitism Lecture Series

Watch Survivor Testimonies from the October 7 Terrorist Attacks

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Watch on demand video and learn about upcoming events

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