Commemoration of Trutnov Forced Labor Camps

Sala Kirschner on the Struggle for Survival

Sala describes the struggle for survival at Schatzlar concentration camp and how she and her friends helped each other to survive.

  • Gerda Frieberg on Survival

    Language: English

    In honor of the 71st anniversary of the liberation of the Sudetenland women’s forced labor camps, listen to the testimony of Gerda Frieberg, who returned to Trutnov, Czech Republic, for the unveiling of a monument recognizing the suffering of 5,000 Jewish young women imprisoned there from 1940- May 8, 1945.  In addition, listen to the testimonies of interviewees who survived the concentration camps in the area of Trutnov and who performed textile forced labor under difficult living conditions.

  • Sabina Winter on Transferring to Gabersdorf

    Language: English

    Sabina discusses her transfer from the Sosnowiec-Dulag camp to Gabersdorf. She traveled by train with a group of women and was told that she would either be working in a cotton factory or live through the war.

  • Natalie Scharf on her transfer to Sosnowiec-Dulag

    Language: English

    Natalie talks about the last time she saw her mother, when she was taken away with a group of young girls on a wagon. Natalie was taken to a train station where she was transfered from Jaworzno to Sosnowiec-Dulag, with only the socks and shoes on her feet.

  • Helga Neuberg on her injury

    Language: English

    Helga discusses her time at the Gabersdorf camp. She talks about her experiences working in a textile factory, with about 360 girls. While working one night, she injured her hand terribly in the machine she worked on and was terribly hurt for some time. 

  • Sally Birnholz on Hope

    Language: English

    Sally discusses her difficult time living in the Parschnitz camp. She remembers going through a camp selection for Dr. Mengele and trying her absolute best to stay out of the way of the guards. Hope was the only thing that kept her going and she believed she still had a future. 

  • Manya Usher on Kratzau

    Language: English

    Manya describes the terrible conditions of Kratzau concentration camp in Czechoslovakia.

  • Sala Grinblatt on Her Uniform

    Language: English

    Sala shows a photograph of herself wearing the rubber apron with the Yellow Star as a uniform during her forced labor assignment in the Gabersdorf concentration camp in Czechoslovakia.

  • Eta Batalion on the Arrival of Auschwitz Prisoners to Ober-Alstadt

    Language: English

    Eta describes the physical condition of Hungarian prisoners from Auschwitz upon their arrival at Ober-Alstadt camp.

  • Esther Gold on Ober-Alstadt Concentration Camp

    Language: English

    Esther describes humiliation she experienced and additional work she was made to perform at Ober-Alstadt.

  • Sala Kirschner on the Struggle for Survival

    Language: English

    Sala describes the struggle for survival at Schatzlar concentration camp and how she and her friends helped each other to survive.

  • Tosia Jakubs-Schwartzbaum on Liberation of Gabersdorf

    Language: English

    Tosia describes the liberation of Gabersdorf concentration camp by the Soviet armed forces.