Voices from the Visual History Archive

  • Language: English

    Judah Samet, a survivor of the Holocaust and of the 2018 attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh speaks about hope in his testimony recorded by USC Shoah Foundation in 2019.

  • Language: English

  • Language: English

    Freddy Mutanguha remembers saying goodbye to his mother before she was murdered during the Rwanda Tutsi Genocide.

  • Genocide: Aurora Mardiganian on the Armenian Genocide

    Language: English

    Aurora Mardiganian speaks here as a survivor of the Armenian Genocide. But from 1918-1920, she was also the face of the Genocide to literally millions of Americans and to others throughout the world. Her tragic, horrific story was told through a 1918 semi-autobiographical book, Ravished Armenia, and a 1919 screen adaptation, also known as Auction of Souls. With the immediacy of a newsreel, the human side to the Genocide was brought to the screen. Working with Near East Relief and with the support of the wealthiest and the most prominent members of New York society, Aurora and her film helped raise some $117 million (the equivalent of $2 billion today) for the relief of Armenian suffering.

  • Rosalina Tuyuc's Message to the Future

    Language: Spanish

  • Shafika Begum

    Language: English

    Shafika Begum describes a massacre at her Rohingya village. On Aug. 30 of 2017, as part of a coordinated attack across the Rakhine State that had begun a few days prior, the Myanmar Army and local collaborators burned down dwellings and began gunning down inhabitants of her village, Tula Toli.

  • Language: English

  • Xia Shuqin on the Nanjing Massacre

    Language: Mandarin

    Xia Shuqin recalls the Nanjing massacre on Dec. 13, 1937 and how she hid from Japanese soldiers during the invasion.