When I tell my fellow USC students that I’m the president of an organization called SFISA, it’s usually safe to assume that 90% of them have no idea what it is. It’s not the most elegant of acronyms and we acknowledge this. Our club’s full name – the Shoah Foundation Institute Student Association – is equally as unwieldy but at least it’s descriptive, and that’s something, right? But even if they’ve heard of our less than stellar name, they still might not know who we are or what we do. So let me take this moment to enlighten you.
rwanda, op-eds / Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Helena Jonas Rosenzweig reflects on how generous her parents were to those in need. She remembers when her father was deported from the Krakow (Cracow) ghetto in Poland to a concentration camp and how his deportation affected her mother.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Helena Jonas Rosenzweig, parents, krakow / Wednesday, December 18, 2013
On the heels of USC Shoah Foundation’s new partnership with the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall to collect and preserve testimony of Nanjing Massacre survivors, the educational platform Facing History and Ourselves signed an agreement to integrate three of those testimonies into its own educational materials.
nanjing, nanjing survivor, education, teacher, teaching, testimony / Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Nora Snyder is a senior International Relations and Middle East studies double major and USC Shoah Foundation intern. She has worked as a research intern since her sophomore year, after attending the Problems Without Passports trip to Cambodia. She has also participated in the trip to Rwanda and recently became president of the Shoah Foundation Institute Student Association (SFISA).
/ Wednesday, December 18, 2013