USC Shoah Foundation Senior Director of Programs and Operations Kori Street discusses "100 Days to Inspire Respect," a new education program from the Institute.
A Closer Look, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Reidar discusses his experience returning to Norway after being interned as a political prisoner during World War II.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Julienne, a Rwandan Tutsi survivor, tried to seek shelter in her uncle's home during the genocide, but he threw her out of the house out of fear that she would be discovered and they would both be killed.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The Challenge, which will award $10,000 total in prizes, invites and encourages students to participate in their communities and complete an IWitness activity by submitting a short explainer video detailing how they were inspired through testimony to make a positive impact.
iwitness video challenge / Tuesday, April 4, 2017