Thanks to a new partnership between the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research and the Fortunoff Video Archive at Yale University, researchers at both institutions can now access each other's extensive Holocaust archives. Under the agreement, Yale University is now one of 95 access sites worldwide where the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive is available. Yale University is the only institution in Connecticut where the interviews of the USC Shoah Foundation's Archive are accessible in their entirety. 
/ Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Marianne Lère is a Paris-based film & TV producer. In 2016 she joined USC Shoah Foundation as a consultant to executive produce a new collection of testimonies on contemporary antisemitism in Europe and more particularly in France, Belgium, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden and the UK. 
/ Thursday, May 3, 2018
As a non-Jew living in Paris, the scourge of antisemitism had, until recently, faded from my mind as a major concern. But my eyes were opened in 2016 when I was approached by the USC Shoah Foundation to executive produce for them a new collection of testimonies on contemporary antisemitism.
CATT, countering antisemitism through testimony, Mireille Knoll, op-eds, antiSemitism / Thursday, May 3, 2018
The conference seeks to address a dearth of psychological support for hundreds of thousands of refugees left traumatized by the reign of the Islamic State – also known as ISIS – between 2014 and 2017.
Islamic State, ISIS, karen jungblut, Qanta Ahmed, genocide and mass trauma / Friday, May 4, 2018
Like many countries around the world, we commemorated Labor Day on May 1 here in Germany. The day also coincided with the beginning of a new government position – commissioner for Jewish life in Germany and to fight antisemitism, but everyone refers to it as the “Antisemitism Commissioner.” The inaugural holder is Felix Klein, a career diplomat with an international law degree, who coincidentally happens to come from the same town I grew up in.
op-eds, antiSemitism / Friday, May 4, 2018
The USC Shoah Foundation is looking for students in 7th– 12th grades who are interested in participating in its highly competitive William P. Lauder Junior Internship Program. The program provides a dynamic and unique learning opportunity for students to engage with testimonies – personal stories – from survivors and witnesses of genocide.
iwitness, junior interns / Friday, May 4, 2018
As a lawyer at the Nuremberg Trials, Harriet Zetterberg made breakthrough discoveries. But as the only woman on the prosecutorial staff, she had to look on as male members of the team presented her work.
Women at Nuremberg, Nuremberg / Friday, May 4, 2018
Lisa Farese’s eighth-graders learn about hate and ethical editing by watching IWitness videos, and then go to different corners of the school to discuss important issues.
iwitness, Lisa Farese, #AllStoriesMatter / Monday, May 7, 2018
In 2003, I and others were preparing for the opening of the Kigali Genocide Memorial to commemorate the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda when a volunteer data collector emptied the contents of a brown manila envelope onto my desk. There on top of the pile of papers and photos was a photo of two little girls.
GAM, 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, op-eds / Monday, May 7, 2018
When Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made the claim that Jews were targeted in the Holocaust for their “social function” in banking and not for their religion, he was not ranting from the podium or calling for death to the Jews. His approach was much more subtle, and therefore much more sinister.
Mahmoud Abbas, palestine, Israel, anti-semitism, op-eds, antiSemitism / Tuesday, May 8, 2018
The award-winning author of ‘In the Name of Humanity: the Secret Deal to End the Holocaust’ was an interviewer for USC Shoah Foundation.
In the name of Humanity, book / Wednesday, May 9, 2018
A newly published article in the peer-reviewed journal Social Education focuses on the potential of virtual reality in the classroom, and highlights USC Shoah Foundation’s virtual reality film 'Lala.' The 6-minute film centers on Holocaust survivor Roman Kent, who shares the story of his time in Nazi-occupied Poland alongside his beloved dog Lala.
lala, virtual reality, VR, academic journal, social education, amy carnes, Claudia Wiedeman / Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Although the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive is typically thought of as a way to preserve the stories of people who survived the Holocaust, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania has found a way to use the Archive to broaden the scope of memory to include not only survivors but also people who perished.
Paris, University of Pennsylvania, Rutman, map / Wednesday, May 16, 2018
USC Shoah Foundation mourns the death of Sara Shapiro, a Holocaust survivor and mother of board member Mickey Shapiro.
/ Thursday, May 17, 2018
An Academy Award winning filmmaker and Executive Producer, Writer and Director of the IDA Award nominated Original Netflix Documentary Series, Daughters of Destiny. Roth’s work over the years has earned her dozens of honors including Sundance Special Jury Prizes, Cine Golden Eagles, Casey Medals, International Awards for Social Justice, and a Dupont-Columbia Award. All of her films have been internationally released theatrically, on television and through digital platforms including Netflix, Amazon, PBS, HBO, A&E, ESPN, the Sundance Channel and Discovery.
/ Thursday, May 17, 2018
While "The Girl and The Picture" focuses on the story and voice of one of the last remaining survivors of the Nanjing Massacre of 1937, it is also a project that I saw as a chance to excavate forms of storytelling itself – and look at different ways we preserve legacy and memory and process loss and survival.
op-eds / Thursday, May 17, 2018
During a well-known case involving German industrialists who reaped enormous profits providing armaments to the Nazi regime with the help of slave labor at concentration camps, the defendants faced Cecelia Goetz -- the only woman ever to deliver an opening statement at the Nuremberg Trials.
Women at Nuremberg, Nuremberg Trials, Cecelia Goetz / Friday, May 18, 2018
While the younger students turned their attention to the themes of racism, sexism and antisemitism, the older students tried something new this year: T-shirts covered with messages of gender equality.
/ Wednesday, May 23, 2018
At the American Library Association's Annual Conference and Exposition -- New Orleans. (June 21-26) Location: Morial Convention Center, Rm 227
/ Tuesday, May 29, 2018
  Call for Papers: International Conference "In Global Transit: Forced Migration of Jews and other Refugees (1940s-1960s)" May 19-22, 2019 Conference at GHI WEST and The MAGNES Collection of Jewish Art and Life at the University of California, Berkeley
cagr / Wednesday, May 30, 2018
"New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison" 
cagr / Wednesday, May 30, 2018
USC Shoah Foundation last year launched an initiative to give out small grants to USC professors of any discipline who incorporate the Institute’s survivor testimony into their coursework in a way that emphasizes diversity and inclusion.
DITT, Diversity and Inclusion Through Testimony / Thursday, May 31, 2018
UNESCO’s push is part of a wider effort to address rising incidents of antisemitic events, which in recent years have ranged from online hate speech to physical violence.
antiSemitism, unesco, stronger than hate, CATT, Countering Antisemitism / Friday, June 1, 2018
USC Shoah Foundation’s Countering Antisemitism Through Testimony Program integrates contemporary personal stories of witnesses to antisemitism into outreach, education and research programs to help counter antisemitism today. This video was screened at the UNESCO launch of policy guidelines to counter antisemitism through education, on June 4, 2018.
/ Monday, June 4, 2018
Hatred pushed his brother to pull the trigger on Jewish lives, but Abdelghani Merah believes in a better world.
clip / Monday, June 4, 2018
The two-week seminar at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. is meant to help university faculty make meaningful comparisons and to expand student awareness of Holocaust history.
antiSemitism, ushmm, wolf gruner, Jim Crow South, nuremberg laws, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum / Monday, June 4, 2018
Atop the piano in Ruth Katz’s childhood home was a picture of a man she knew only as “Uncle Oskar.”
/ Tuesday, June 5, 2018
In this clip, Walter Rosenblum, an army photographer during World War II, talks about the photos he took on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
/ Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Among the photos Walter Rosenblum took on the morning of D-Day was an iconic shot of an exhausted young lieutenant on a rocky beach, gazing past the camera while he and several others perform first aid on a group of men they’d tried to rescue from a wrecked boat.
d-day, Walter Rosenblum / Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Antisemitism is a problem that affects humanity as whole, says Chouna Lomponda, who works at a museum that was violently attacked.
clip / Wednesday, June 6, 2018
