Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp will discuss ongoing global efforts in national courts as well as before the International Criminal Court for prosecution of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide being perpetrated in Ukraine and their impact.
/ Wednesday, January 18, 2023
A group of Bioethics and the Holocaust Fellows recently gathered at USC Shoah Foundation headquarters in Los Angeles to develop content for new curriculums that will feature Visual History Archive testimony from survivors of Nazi medical experiments. The Holocaust marked a profound and sadistic deviation from traditional notions of medical ethics, with medical and scientific communities in the Third Reich actively participating in the labeling, persecution and eventual mass murder of millions deemed “unfit.”
/ Wednesday, January 18, 2023
In this clip from his 2022 testimony, Gerald Szames recalls his personal encounter with antisemitism from a fellow college student. Recorded in the Ceci Chan and Lila Sorkin Memory Studio at the USC Shoah Foundation Institute's global headquarters on the USC campus in Los Angeles, California.
/ Wednesday, January 18, 2023