Every year, some of Angela Gottesburen’s high school seniors enter an essay contest held by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education. This year, the students are using testimony from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive to help craft their responses.The 2016 prompt for the Midwest Center’s annual White Rose Student Essay Contest, open to 8th-12th graders, asks students to explore how one Jewish survivor was affected by the Nazis’ anti-Jewish propaganda.
/ Thursday, April 21, 2016
Helena Horowitz describes her struggle to hide the fact that she was Jewish as a young girl. This clip is part of the new IWitness activity Narratives of Identity: In the Open or In the Shadows?
clip / Thursday, April 21, 2016
The newest activity in IWitness draws on testimonies of Holocaust survivors to spark students’ reflection on how identity, and the struggle to hide it, can affect people from all walks of life.
iwitness, IWitness activity, Claudia Wiedeman / Thursday, April 21, 2016
Professor Dan Stone, Royal Holloway, University of London, offered a global perspective of the origins and history of concentration camps.
cagr, discussion, lecture, presentation / Thursday, April 21, 2016
In this lecture, Professor Atina Grossmann addresses a transnational Holocaust story that remarkably – despite several decades of intensive scholarly and public attention to the history and memory of the Shoah – has remained essentially untold, marginalized in both historiography and commemoration.
cagr, discussion, presentation, lecture / Thursday, April 21, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation is expanding its efforts to develop educational resources about the Armenian Genocide with the creation of a new position devoted to the IWitness Armenia program.
iwitness, Armenian Genocide, dadourian / Friday, April 22, 2016
Rafael Grosz describes his memory of Passover as a child in Bergen-Belsen. 
clip, jewish survivor, Rafael Grosz, bergen belsen, Passoverm Religion, Judaism / Friday, April 22, 2016
Passover, Bergen-Belsen, 1945. These two thoughts do not belong together: Bergen-Belsen, the epitome of captivity; Passover, the celebration of freedom from slavery.
passover, religion, bergen-belsen, op-eds / Friday, April 22, 2016
Armenian Genocide Survivor Hovsana Kumjian sings the ballad Der Zor Chollerende (Desert of Der Zor). During the genocide victims sang this song in Turkish while on the forced marches into the Syrian Desert. The song is often from a child’s perspective and describes violent scenes and feelings of hopelessness. Kumjian states she sings this song in memory for the victims, every April 24, the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Kumjian is a survivor of the death march from Kilis, Turkey. English Translation of Der Zor Chollerende
clip, GAM, Armenian Genocide survivor, Armenian Genocide, Der zor, music / Friday, April 22, 2016
Aleksan Markaryan’s crystal-clear memory of the genocide against the Armenian people in 1915 has given him the distinction of being the last survivor interviewed by the Armenian Film Foundation for its collection of Armenian Genocide survivor and witness testimonies.
Armenian, Armenian Genocide, armenian survivor, armenian film foundation / Monday, April 25, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research will host the international conference “A Conflict? Genocide and Resistance in Guatemala,” at the University of Southern California, Sept. 11-14, 2016. The scholars profiled in this series were each selected to present their research at the conference.Heather Vrana’s presentation “H.I.J.O.S.: A New Politics and Memory Beyond Reconciliation” will focus on the next generation of activists in Guatemala.
cagr / Monday, April 25, 2016
Edith Kaufman describes her thoughts as she stayed at a hospital at the Ravensbruck camp during Passover. Although she could not formally celebrate the holiday, she refused to eat bread as a gesture of defiance.
clip / Monday, April 25, 2016
As the Institute’s partner Fundacion de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala (FAFG) records testimonies of survivors of the genocide in Guatemala, it has begun sending the first few testimony videos back to USC Shoah Foundation in Los Angeles, where staff are beginning to index them – the first step toward their eventual integration into the Visual History Archive and IWitness.
Guatemalan Genocide, indexing, visual history archive / Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Dora Szlajcher explains how she was able to borrow books even though it was forbidden in the harsh years of the Holocaust, and how reading helped her escape her difficult situation.
clip / Tuesday, April 26, 2016
One of USC Shoah Foundation’s biggest champions in Michigan is educator Sean McBrady, whose passion for IWitness resulted in a workshop for teachers in his district last week.McBrady first learned about IWitness in 2008 when he co-taught 9th grade world history and geography with a colleague who introduced him to USC Shoah Foundation and its testimonies and educational resources. The response from their students was “powerful,” he said, and they were excited to see IWitness continue to grow over the years.
/ Wednesday, April 27, 2016
As part of the IWitness Detroit program, USC Shoah Foundation education staff hosted a half-day IWitness workshop for educators at the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD), Michigan, last Tuesday, April 19.
detroit, iwitness, workshop, presentation / Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Guatemalan Genocide survivor Aracely Garrido reflects on the seemingly eternal suffering endured by indigenous civilian non-combatant populations in a Guatemalan village who practiced their own limited form of resistance during the war.
clip / Wednesday, April 27, 2016
News of the deadly bombs that ripped apart the Brussels airport terminal last month sent a shockwave through me. I know that line, that place. I have stood in that spot. The “what if” scenario is not what troubles me most, however.
GAM, Tolerance, education, op-eds / Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Neumark spoke to undergraduate students in Wolf Gruner's "Resistance to Genocide" class and donated two postcards he wrote while he was evading the Nazis.
holocaust survivor, cagr, wolf gruner / Thursday, April 28, 2016
Zenon Neumark describes the first anti-Jewish laws and policies that affected his life and how he became involved in a resistance group. He says that while it was difficult to escape, he thought it took more courage to stay.
clip / Thursday, April 28, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation Teaching Fellows Alina Bothe and Gertrud Pickhan’s course “The Deportation of Polish Jews from Berlin in 1938” has led to another family learning its fate for the first time and receiving a special memorial called a “Stolperstein.”
teaching fellow, Berlin / Friday, April 29, 2016
David discusses his early life growing up in Pankow, Berlin and the large Jewish community established in the city before the war.
/ Friday, April 29, 2016
David discusses his early life growing up in Pankow, Berlin and the large Jewish community established in the city before the war.
/ Friday, April 29, 2016
Last summer, social studies teacher Amy Mclaughlin-Hatch went on trip with the Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Teacher’s Program to Germany and Poland, visiting 42 sites significant in the Holocaust. Now, with the help of IWitness, she’s bringing this knowledge back to her high school students at Southeastern Regional Vocational High School in South Easton, Massachusetts.
/ Friday, April 29, 2016
Famous jazz trumpeter and violinist Louis Bannet talks about his experience auditioning for the Auschwitz camp orchestra and how his talent saved his life. April 30 is International Jazz Day.
clip / Friday, April 29, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research will host the international conference “A Conflict? Genocide and Resistance in Guatemala,” at the University of Southern California, Sept. 11-14, 2016. The scholars profiled in this series were each selected to present their research at the conference. For her presentation at the conference, Morna Macleod will look back on her experiences working in human rights in the final years of the Guatemalan Genocide 30 years ago.
cagr / Monday, May 2, 2016
Diana Hekimian, an active member of the Armenian community in Los Angeles, found an original copy of one of the earliest reports of the 1915 genocide in Armenia: "The Diyarbekir Massacres and Kurdish Atrocities," by Thomas Mugerditchian.
armenian film foundation, Alice Shipley / Monday, May 2, 2016
Yael Avner and her interviewer observe two minutes of silence at the sound of an air raid siren during Israel's commemoration of Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.
clip / Monday, May 2, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation’s ability to capture and preserve important information about each testimony has gotten a critical update.
its, visual history archive / Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Liberator David Zahler describes what it was like being an army medic during World War II. May is Military Appreciation Month.
clip / Tuesday, May 3, 2016
