100 Days to Inspire Respect Sonia Bielski describes how the man who helped her escape from the ghetto touched her inappropriately one night.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Thursday, March 30, 2017
Entering its eleventh week of operation, USC Shoah Foundation’s 100 Days to Inspire Respect campaign will take some time to focus on violence and extremism.
100 days to inspire respect / Friday, March 31, 2017
For the past couple years, high school English teacher Matthew Otis has incorporated IWitness into his unit on the Holocaust and intolerance. Now, IWitness’s 100 Days to Inspire Respect program has inspired him to share his students’ process of cross-cultural understanding with a larger audience. Otis, who teaches at Everett Area High School in Pennsylvania, first learned about IWitness and Echoes and Reflections at a teaching conference last year and since then has used testimony as a resource in his unit on the Holocaust.
/ Monday, April 3, 2017
Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Yom HaShoah as it’s known in Hebrew, commemorates and honors the victims and survivors of the Holocaust. This year, people around the world will remember the victims of the Holocaust April 23- 24, 2017.
GAM, holocaust, Rememberance, yom hashoah, iwitness, op-eds / Monday, April 10, 2017
Katja Schatte, the 2016-2017 Margee and Douglas Greenberg Research Fellow, gave a public lecture at the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research focusing on pre and post-reunification Jewish life in East Berlin from the late 1970s through the early 1990s.
cagr / Saturday, April 1, 2017
A public lecture by Alexander Korb (University of Leicester) 2016-2017 Center Research Fellow                  
cagr / Monday, April 3, 2017
USC Shoah Foundation Senior Director of Programs and Operations Kori Street discusses "100 Days to Inspire Respect," a new education program from the Institute.
A Closer Look, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Reidar discusses his experience returning to Norway after being interned as a political prisoner during World War II.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Julienne, a Rwandan Tutsi survivor, tried to seek shelter in her uncle's home during the genocide, but he threw her out of the house out of fear that she would be discovered and they would both be killed.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The Challenge, which will award $10,000 total in prizes, invites and encourages students to participate in their communities and complete an IWitness activity by submitting a short explainer video detailing how they were inspired through testimony to make a positive impact.
iwitness video challenge / Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Four of USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research’s summer 2016 research fellows returned to the Institute on Tuesday, April 4, to share the outcomes of their fellowships and the impact of testimony on their work.
cagr / Wednesday, April 5, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect This Connections Video provides a brief overview of the Guatemalan Genocide for students.
100 days to inspire respect, clip / Thursday, April 6, 2017
For Lucy Fried, storytelling is the best way to make an impact. The high school sophomore is a Junior Intern with USC Shoah Foundation, and as such, has spent one day every month for the past five months listening to testimony from the Institute’s Visual History Archive – to the stories and memories of Holocaust and genocide survivors.
/ Thursday, April 6, 2017
Amann will research the women who participated in the Nuremberg Trials and other major criminal trials in the aftermath of World War II.
cagr, research fellow / Thursday, April 6, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Rose remembers sexual violence that she suffered and witnessed during the Genocide against the Tutsi.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, April 7, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Gaoshan Li describes the horrors that followed his capture by Japanese soldiers while in hiding.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, April 7, 2017
Students will explore the relationship between media and indifference through the work of Elie Wiesel, documentary film, personal responsibility and advocacy.
100 days to inspire respect / Friday, April 7, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Kitty reflects on a comment made by her uncle, with whom she stayed in London after she survived Auschwitz.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Monday, April 10, 2017
Robert Ackles has slogged up the 405 from San Diego to Los Angeles once a month, every month, for almost two years. He’s sat through the heat and the desperate freeway traffic for one reason, and one reason alone: to visit USC Shoah Foundation’s home at USC’s Leavey Library as a Junior Intern. Part of a small group of young students, Ackles meets periodically to discuss and analyze such topics as hatred, prejudice, intolerance and how to stop both using positive moral guidance and active participation in society.
/ Monday, April 10, 2017
/ Monday, April 10, 2017
/ Monday, April 10, 2017
This seminar was a part of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies’ "Protecting Memory" project.
Ukraine, iwalk, iwitness, anna lenchovska / Monday, April 10, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Edith, a Holocaust rescuer, describes witnessing an elderly man being beaten in the street. When she tried to help him, someone else warned her not to get involved.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The lecture will discuss how the East Galician town of Buczacz was transformed from a site of coexistence, where Poles, Ukrainians, and Jews had lived side-by-side for centuries, into a site of genocide.
cagr, omer bartov, sara shapiro / Tuesday, April 11, 2017
A new IWitness activity focuses on the complex situation in Hungary after liberation. Students interpret and evaluate different behaviors exemplified through the testimony and film clips and think about their past and present correlations.
hungary, IWitness activity / Wednesday, April 12, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Roméo discusses a dispute in the United Nations with American diplomats about how to respond to the burgeoning Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Wednesday, April 12, 2017
As a little kid, Toni Nickel never could settle between Sesame Street and the History Channel, her interest in other people’s stories of war piqued such that learning the colors and the order of the numbers became forever secondary. Her curiosity – specifically in the Holocaust – came to a head in college when she took a History of the Holocaust course that used the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive. There, in a classroom at Texas A&M University, Nickel knew her fate and future were sealed.
/ Thursday, April 13, 2017
A Dél-Kaliforniai Egyetem (USC) Soá Alapítványa április 8-án, Budapesten különleges program keretében mutatta be az 1945 című új, nemzetközi díjnyertes magyar film tanításához készült digitális tananyagot, illetve a tananyaghoz kapcsolódó módszertant.
/ Thursday, April 13, 2017
Korb's research will investigate how local authorities in southern and eastern Europe, particularly Croatia, Serbia and Greece, collaborated with the Nazis and carried out their own acts of mass violence outside the epicenter of Nazi Germany.
cagr, center fellow / Thursday, April 13, 2017
