Film composer James Horner died when his single-engine plane crashed near Santa Barbara on June 22. Earlier this year, the Academy Award-winner worked with USC Shoah Foundation on a movie about a Holocaust survivor. These are the recollections of producer Leslie Wilson.
One Day in Auschwitz, James Horner, op-eds / Sunday, June 28, 2015
pressroom / Monday, June 29, 2015
Attendees can learn about IWitness on the expo floor at the Extreme Networks booth through Wednesday.
iste, iwitness, conference / Monday, June 29, 2015
Barbara Wahlberg can trace her passion for teaching the Holocaust back to one breakfast in Long Island, New York.She was at a restaurant with her husband when she noticed something unusual about the cook who brought out their food: he had a number tattooed on his arm.She asked her husband what it was, and he told her it meant that the man had been in a concentration camp in Europe during World War II. Wahlberg had never heard of these tattoos, and was shocked that this man – so tall and strong – had experienced such an injustice.
/ Monday, June 29, 2015
Scholars and educators in Michigan have a unique opportunity to spend five days studying and exploring the Visual History Archive, guided by USC Shoah Foundation staff, experts and genocide survivors themselves.
iwitness, workshop, michigan, doug ballman / Tuesday, June 30, 2015
