Rose Kaplovitz reflects on the end of WWII and liberation - featured in the IWitness activity Found Poetry – A Language Arts Lesson.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Rose Kaplovitz, iwitness, liberation, found poetry / Wednesday, February 18, 2015
/ Wednesday, February 18, 2015
As I completed the transaction for my first foray with Airbnb for a trip to Paris with my daughter, I was pleasantly surprised by the note that popped up from Christophe, the manager, who alerted me that I could also have a ride from the airport with Karyn with whom he has an arrangement. 
Paris, past is present, op-eds / Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Testimony can be intense, heart-wrenching, and emotional. It can include stories that are harrowing or even hopeful. And it can also be poetic.
iwitness, IWitness activity, found poetry / Thursday, February 19, 2015
Rosa Lamb teaches 11th and 12th grade Global Studies: Holocaust and Genocide at Lake View High School in Chicago.How do you use IWitness in your class?I used it last year to have students make an IWitness video. The students created videos used for the purpose of teaching others about a specific theme or topic of the Holocaust. What kinds of reactions do students have to watching testimony?
/ Friday, February 20, 2015
Kori Street, USC Shoah Foundation Director of Education, will join other education experts for a panel discussion at the Responsibility 2015 conference in New York City, which will commemorate the centennial anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian Genocide, kori street / Friday, February 20, 2015
Dachau camp liberator Paul Parks recalls experiencing racial discrimination in the United States after returning home from fighting in WWII.    
clip, male, liberator, black history month, paul parks, racism / Friday, February 20, 2015
Adam Herceg, a Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century graduate from Slovakia, marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day at his school on January 27 by showing testimony of a survivor his students already felt a strong connection to.
/ Monday, February 23, 2015
Martin Aaron speaks on trying to reconnect with any family members who had survived the Holocaust after he was liberated from Bergen-Belsen. He recalls how his search led him to family in America.
clip, male, jewish survivor, martin aaron, faming reunion / Monday, February 23, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation and its Center for Advanced Genocide Research are hosting two events this week that are free and open to the public.
cagr, fellowship, center fellow, screening, cambodia / Monday, February 23, 2015
After displaying testimonies from the Visual History Archive in its exhibit The Orient in Bohemia this fall, the Jewish Museum in Prague continues utilizing filmed testimony in its latest exhibit: “Shattered Hopes: Postwar Czechoslovakia as a Crossroads of Jewish Life.”
Martin Smok, Prague, Czechoslovakia, visual history archive, Jewish Museum / Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Kurt Wehle, one of the post-WWII leaders of Czech Jewry, describes the postwar climate in Prague up to the Communist putsch of 1948, when he had to escape from Czechoslovakia. This testimony clip is featured in the new exhibit, “Shattered Hopes: Postwar Czechoslovakia as a Crossroads of Jewish Life,” at the Jewish Museum in Prague.
clip, male, jewish, Kurt Wehle, czech, postwar / Tuesday, February 24, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation is pleased to announce Stephen A. Cozen as chairman of its Board of Councilors.
board of councilors, Steve Cozen / Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Herbert Friedman discusses his mother’s decision to take in three Jewish refugee children from Nazi Germany. Friedman attributes his family’s decision because of their faith and his mother’s prominent role within their synagogue New Haven, Connecticut.  
clip, male, aid provider, jewish, Herbert Friedman, jewish refugees, United States / Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Ellen Brandt recalls the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws in Berlin and her participation in a Jewish youth movement BDJJ or Bund Deutsch-Jüdischer Jugend. She also reflects how the organization helped her connect with her Jewish identity.
clip, jewish survivor, female, Berlin, nazi germany, nuremberg laws, resistane, jewish youth / Wednesday, February 25, 2015
USC Gould School of Law Room 130Since his appointment to the ICTY in 2000, Judge Pocar has served as a Judge in a Trial Chamber, where he sat on the first case concerned with rape as a crime against humanity, and in the Appeals Chamber of the Tribunal, where he is still sitting. As a Judge of the Appeals Chamber, he is also a Judge of the Appeals Chamber for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). On appeal, he has participated in the adoption of the final judgments in several ICTY and ICTR cases, heard in both the Hague and in Arusha, Tanzania.
/ Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Auschwitz, the final destination of Jewish people from across Europe destined to be murdered as a part of the Nazi genocide of the Jews. Auschwitz, a place that housed prisoners of many religions, persuasions, minorities and nationalities, but whose evil reputation is seared onto our collective conscience because the five gas chambers at Birkenau were there for one reason only - to devour the lives of 960,000 Jews. Auschwitz, which has evolved into a universal symbol of man's inhumanity to man – and indeed it does remind us just how cruel human beings can be.
Auschwitz70, op-eds, antiSemitism / Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Kiril Feferman’s research topic may be rarely studied now, but that may change after his fellowship at USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research.
cage, fellowship / Wednesday, February 25, 2015
A Holocaust studies professor from the Russian State University for Humanities in Moscow has been awarded the 2015-16 Center Fellowship by USC Shoah Foundation’s Center for Advanced Genocide Research.
/ Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Otari Amaglobeli, a military surgeon with the First Ukrainian Front discusses the population of Auschwitz and the medical assistance his unit provided to prisoners upon liberation on Jan. 27, 1945.
clip, male, soviet liberator, auschwitz, liberation, liberator, ukranian front / Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Úryvek ze svědectví Viktora Schwarze se věnuje náboženské identitě a popisuje život jednoho ze židovských obchodníků na Vinohradech.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
George Topas describes how he prayed with his tefillin (phylacteries) every morning in the camp barracks before he was sent out to forced labor. 
clip, male, jewish survivor, prayer, George Topas, antiSemitism, religion / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvek ze svědectví Antonína Sternschusse na příkladu vyloučení ze školy popisuje dopad rasistického zákonodárství na české rodiny, jejichž členové byli označeni za židy.Antonín Sternschuss se narodil roku 1925 v Sušici, vyrůstal ale v Praze na Vinohradech. Byl vychováván jako český katolík. Po zavedení rasistických zákonů byl označen za židovského míšence, ke konci války byl vyloučen ze školy a internován v koncentračním táboře v Bystřici u Benešova, kde se dožil osvobození. V poválečném Československu se stal uznávanou kapacitou na poli makromolekulární chemie.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvky ze svědectví Berty Zoubkové, Erny Seykorové, Pavla Stránského a Jana Klusáka obsahují vzpomínky na budovu vinohradské synagogy.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvek ze svědectví Hany Reinerové obsahuje kromě jiného vzpomínku na nouzový útulek a vinohradskou synagogu za okupace.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvky ze svědectví Karla Sterna, Zdeňka Franka a Mileny Procházkové obsahují mozaiku vzpomínek na vinohradský židovský sirotčinec za okupace. Navazují na předchozí materiály tohoto souboru vybízející k diskusím o identitě, rasistických zákonech a nálepkách, které si lidé navzájem dávají. Změna jména jednoho z protagonistů těchto vzpomínek, Rudolfa Freudenfelda, který se v poválečném Československu přejmenoval na Fraňka, může vybízet k diskusím o kontinuitě protižidovských a potažmo i protiněmeckých předsudků.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
The four-year project will identify and develop resources, activities and pathways into IWitness that will be appropriate and effective for teaching the Holocaust and other topics at Jewish day schools of all denominations.
cije, michael berenbaum / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvky ze svědectví Karla Sterna, Zdeňka Franka a Mileny Procházkové obsahují mozaiku vzpomínek na vinohradský židovský sirotčinec za okupace. Navazují na předchozí materiály tohoto souboru vybízející k diskusím o identitě, rasistických zákonech a nálepkách, které si lidé navzájem dávají. Změna jména jednoho z protagonistů těchto vzpomínek, Rudolfa Freudenfelda, který se v poválečném Československu přejmenoval na Fraňka, může vybízet k diskusím o kontinuitě protižidovských a potažmo i protiněmeckých předsudků.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
Úryvky ze svědectví Karla Sterna, Zdeňka Franka a Mileny Procházkové obsahují mozaiku vzpomínek na vinohradský židovský sirotčinec za okupace. Navazují na předchozí materiály tohoto souboru vybízející k diskusím o identitě, rasistických zákonech a nálepkách, které si lidé navzájem dávají. Změna jména jednoho z protagonistů těchto vzpomínek, Rudolfa Freudenfelda, který se v poválečném Československu přejmenoval na Fraňka, může vybízet k diskusím o kontinuitě protižidovských a potažmo i protiněmeckých předsudků.
iwalk / Thursday, February 26, 2015
