For a German like myself, International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a day that is both intensely private and profoundly public.
GAM, auschwitz, past is present, Holocaust Rememberance Day, op-eds / Friday, February 3, 2017
The third week of “100 Days to Inspire Respect” will continue the themes of February’s Black History Month to focus on the importance of defending civil rights and human rights in the United States and around the world.
iwitness, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 3, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Hersch Altman, who survived the Holocaust, says that we need to learn from the past so that we can avoid repeating it. In learning about his story, he hopes that students can avoid racism and bigotry in the future and help avoid events like the Holocaust.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 3, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Elizabeth remembers the challenging decision she had to make upon arriving in the American South to aid the Civil Rights Movement.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 3, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Katsugo, a soldier in the American army during World War II, recalls his experience of visiting a Japanese relocation camp in Arkansas, United States.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 3, 2017
On the seventh day of USC Shoah Foundation’s 100 Days to Inspire Respect education program, a series of tweets were posted by a teacher in Alabama, using the program hashtag #100Days4Respect. “There is enough sun for everyone,” one tweet read. Another said, “Don’t hate others even if they’re different.” Still another, “Someone’s race is not their character. Don’t hate, appreciate.”
/ Friday, February 3, 2017