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Michael Abend hopes his testimony will inspire future generations to be more tolerant of each other’s differences. He also adds that the young people throughout the world will recognize genocide warnings and work together to prevent violence against ethnic groups.
clip, future message, jewish survivor, michael abend / Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tom Lantos describes in detail the specific lessons and tricks he learned  to memorize particular aspects of his Latin lessons. He continues to speak on the importance and affect his Hungarian education had on him.
clip, male, jewish survivor, tom lantos, hungary, education, pastforward / Monday, September 8, 2014
Voices of Our Journey is the winning video of the 2013 IWitness Video Challenge, created by high school student Ruth Hernández. Ruth was so inspired by testimony of Holocaust survivors that she went out into her own community and made a difference.
IWitness Video Challenge Winner, Ruth Hernandez / Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Cette vidéo évoque les diplomates et le sauvetage, et raconte quelques-uns des cas les plus connus de l'aide fournie par les consulats et les ambassades, telles que les actions d’Aristides de Sousa Mendes, de Raoul Wallenberg et de Chiune Sugihara. Les diplomates de différents pays européens aidèrent les Juifs à fuir la persécution par la fourniture de visas et autres documents de circulation qui leur permirent de fuir les territoires occupés par les nazis.
unesco, rescue, wallenberg, sugihara, holocaust, clip reel, clip / Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Cette vidéo aborde la question du sauvetage organisé, qui comprend à la fois l’aide gouvernementale et l’aide civile. Des individus sont intervenus en tant que membres de groupes religieux, de groupes politiques et de résistance, mais aussi comme simples habitants de quartiers et de villages. Cette vidéo présente les témoignages de Kruuse Caroe, d’Irène Rainman-Krausz et de Jean Gemähling, qui racontent leurs expériences personnelles de sauvetage pendant la Shoah .
unesco, rescue, clip reel, clip / Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Cette vidéo s’intéresse au thème de la religion et du sauvetage, en montrant comment des membres du clergé ont agi individuellement ou dans le cadre d'un réseau pour protester contre les mesures antijuives et fournir un refuge aux Juifs dans des couvents, des monastères et des maisons privées. La vidéo rapporte les témoignages d’Edward Harvitt et de Kurt Lewin, survivants juifs qui bénéficièrent de cette aide pendant la Shoah, ainsi que celui d’Isaac Sephiha, qui agit aux côtés du clergé catholique pour aider les Juifs.
unesco, rescue, religion, holocaust, clip / Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Cette vidéo aborde la question de la reconnaissance du sauvetage, des actes de ceux qui ont fourni aide et assistance aux Juifs durant la Shoah : ils demeurent des exemples universels quant à l'importance de préserver la dignité humaine et les droits humains face au fanatisme et aux dérives autoritaires. Nombre de ces personnes ont été honorées par les gouvernements, les communautés et par des organisations locales et internationales pour leurs actions. La vidéo rapporte les souvenirs de Betty Berz, de Kurt Lewin, d’Estelle Abas et d’Andrée Herscovici .
unesco, rescue, commemoration, french, clip reel, clip / Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Alors que plus d'un million d'enfants juifs sont morts durant la Shoah, certains ont survécu dans la clandestinité. Cette vidéo raconte l'histoire d' Eva Lewin et son expérience du « Kindertransport », ce système qui permit à près de 10 000 enfants juifs de fuir l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Tchécoslovaquie pour se retrouver en sécurité en Grande-Bretagne .
unesco, rescue, children, clip reel, kindertransport, clip / Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Dora Goldberg remembers when her mother never returned due to roundups by German soldiers in France. Dora describes being sent to her aunt's house and hiding in the bathroom from Nazis who were searching for her and her brother.
clip, female, jewish survivor, dora goldberg, seperation, human rights, personal action / Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Clara Isaacman didn’t speak about her experience hiding from the Nazis in Belgium until about 20 years later. She reflects on how Elie Wiesel inspired her to write a book about her survival called, Clara’s Story. Clara’s testimony is featured in the IWitness activity, The Power of Words.
clip, female, jewish survivor, elie wiesel, belgium, iwitness, Clara Isaacman / Thursday, September 18, 2014
Henry Kress reflects on returning to his home in Poland after liberation and found a stranger living in his family home. Henry also describes how he reunited with a friend and former prisoner from Auschwitz, who helped him find work.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Henry Kress, poland, upstander / Friday, September 19, 2014
Bronia Hatfield speaks on the mass killings that took place near her village in the region of Wolyn. By the end of World War II, 98.5 percent of Wolyn’s Jewish population was dead and most of the towns destroyed.
clip, female, jewish survivor, bronia hatfield, human rights, wolyn / Monday, September 22, 2014
Leon Cepelewicz recalls the Vilna ghetto liquidation in September 1943 and how he was separated from his mother and sister. He also remembers how he and his father were forced onto the cattle cars trains and deported to a concentration camp.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Leon Cepelewicz, Vilna Ghetto / Tuesday, September 23, 2014
/ Thursday, September 25, 2014
/ Thursday, September 25, 2014
Lusia Haberfeld recalls how her family evaded deportation by hiding in an attic within the Warsaw ghetto.  This clip from Lusia’s testimony is featured in the IWitness Activity: Chance & Choice: A survivor's story.
clip, female, jewish survivor, hiding, evasion, Lusia Haberfeld, warsaw ghetto, iwitness / Friday, September 26, 2014
Phyllis Karp describes her encounter with Oskar Schindler after World War II. While she was not friends with Schindler personally, her husband Irwin was acquainted with him because of his working relationship with Schindler's close friend, Julius Madristch. She also describes the impact that Emilie Schindler, Oskar's wife, had on the Jewish community.
clip, jewish survivor, memory, schindler, phyllis karp / Friday, September 26, 2014
Syrt Wolters speaks admirably of the Spainers, a Jewish family he and his wife hid in their home in the Netherlands during World War II.  
clip, male, upstander, air provider, Syrt Wolter, netherlands, hiding / Monday, September 29, 2014
Edith Abrahams remembers the antisemitic attacks and demonstrations in Germany including the burning of Jewish books.
anti-semitism / Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Jack Lerner recalls the moments he experienced antisemitism in his childhood.
anti-semitism / Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Maximillian Kaufmann speaks about the antisemitic propaganda in Austria including newspapers, which drew shrewd caricatures of Jews. He also recalls witnessing the attacks of orthodox Jews on the city streets.
anti-semitism / Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Samuel Marcus reflects on the antisemitism he experienced as a child in New York.
anti-semitism / Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Rudolph Abraham recalls his first encounters with antisemitism in the early 1930s in Hungary.
anti-semitism / Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Branko Lustig, producer of Schindler’s List and our 50,000th interviewee in the Visual History Archive; recalls returning to Auschwitz during the filming of the TV mini-series War and Remembrance. Branko also describes how important it is not only to remember the Holocaust but also for future generations to learn from it.
clip, male, jewish survivor, auschwitz, Branko Lustig, memory / Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dario Gabbai speaks about his participation within the Sonderkommando Uprising in Auschwitz II-Birkenau on October 7, 1944. Dario explains how his group failed at their attempt to burn down Crematorium II. Other members of the Sondekommando set fire to Crematorium IV. The SS put down the revolt in the end, executed its participants, and blew up what remained of the crematorium
clip, male, jewish, survivor, sonderkommando, sonderkommano uprising, Dario Gabbai, birkenau, auschwitz / Monday, October 6, 2014
Mieczyslaw (Mietek) Pemper typed up the actual Schindler’s list and was saved by Oskar Schindler. Pemper speaks (in German) about Schindler and how he bribed and used personal connections to save hundreds of Jews. Pemper also describes how he came to work with Schindler and help in the creation of the list. 
clip, male, jewish surivor, schindler jew, schindler list, Mietek Pemper / Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Lotte Kramer reads a sonnet she wrote about her family's gentile friends Nazi controlled Germany.
clip, female, jewish survivor, iwitness lotte kramer, poem / Thursday, October 9, 2014
Harriet H. Forster describes life in Austria just following the Anschluss in 1938 including saving her brother from deportation. Harriet later moved to the United States and became a professor at USC and was internationally known for her work in physics and astronomy. She died on September 28, 2014, she was 97 years old.
clip, female, jewish survivor, harriet forster, usc, Austria, upstander / Friday, October 10, 2014
Aniko Friedberg describes how she would create sculptures out of clay while interned in the Allendorf forced labor camp, a subcamp of Buchenwald. She didn’t recall this memory until she reunited with former prisoners, who remembered her sculptures, decades later.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Aniko Friedberg, art, memory / Monday, October 13, 2014
/ Wednesday, October 15, 2014
