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Tento střihový film, který si můžete stáhnout do svého počítače, obsahuje úryvky ze svědectví pamětníků Holocaustu z archivu vizuální historie USC Shoah Foundation. Všichni se narodili v polském městě Osvětim (Oświęcim), dnes nechvalně proslulém díky systému koncentračních táborů pojmenovaném Auschwitz, který ve městě a jeho okolí vybudovala německá okupační správa.
/ Monday, January 27, 2014
Cette vidéo téléchargeable a été réalisée à l’aide de clips extraits des témoignages de survivants juifs de la Shoah (des archives  audiovisuelle de l’USC Shoah Foundation) qui sont nés et ont grandi dans la ville polonaise d' Oświęcim, sinistrement célèbre pour avoir été le lieu d´emplacement du camp d'Auschwitz crée par l´administration nazie allemande pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.
/ Monday, January 27, 2014
Yaakov Handeli was born in a middle-class Jewish family on July 23, 1927 in Salonika, Greece. He was the youngest of six children; he had two brothers andthree sisters. His father, Shlomoh, co-owned a building material business. Ladino speaker at home, Yaakov attended a private, Ladino-language primary school and aGymnasium, where he studied in Greek.
male, jewish survivor, clip, unesco / Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Régine Jacubert (née Skørka) was born January 24, 1920 in Zagórów, Poland. Her father, Yacob Skørka taught Hebrew and Yiddish in a Yeshiva. Her mother, SlatkaSzejman was a milliner. She had three brothers. The family left for France in 1930, settling in Nancy.
/ Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sinti and Roma survivor Wellesina McCrary recalls when her family was arrested and deported to Auschwitz concentration camp.
clip, female, roma survivor, Wellesina McCrary, déportation, auschwitz / Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Ten udostępniony do ściągnięcia plik video zawiera fragmenty relacji żydowskich ocalałych z Zagłady złożone w Archiwum Historii Wizualnej Instytutu Fundacji Shoah USC, którzy urodzili się i doratali w polskim mieście - Oświęcimiu, teraz niesławnym z powodu ulokowania w nim systemu obozowego Auschwitz, stworzonego przez okupujące Polskę  nazistowskie Niemcy.
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Эта видео подборка содержит отрывки из интервью с евреями, которые пережили Холокост. Они родились и выросли в польском городе Освенцим — городе, приобрёвшим мировую известность после того, как немецко-фашистскими оккупантами в нём была создана система концентрационных лагерей под названием Аушвиц, во время Второй мировой войны.  Интервью являются частью Архива визуальной истории фонда Шоа Университета Южной Калифорнии.
/ Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Questo video scaricabile contiene spezzoni delle testimonianze di sopravvissuti ebrei nati e cresciuti nella città polacca di Oświęcim, dove i nazisti tedeschi crearono l’infame sistema dei campi di Auschwitz.
/ Thursday, January 30, 2014
Located northwest of Drohobycz in the Lwów voivoship in Poland (after the war Drogobych, Ukraine), the Bronica Forest was the site of massacres of the local Jewish population by the Nazis in 1942 -1943. The Jews were taken from the Drohobycz ghetto to the Bronica forest to be killed until the closing of the ghetto in June 1943. Nearly 11,000 Jews were killed on that site, including Al’fred Shraer’s mother and maternal grandfather. He speaks in Ukrainian about the history of the monument standing on the site and explains how the executions took place.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Ukraine, Al’fred Shraer, Bronica Forest Massacres / Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tento strihový film, ktorý si môžete stiahnuť do svojho počítača, obsahuje úryvky zo svedectiev pamätníkov holokaustu z archívu vizuálnej histórie USC Shoah Foundation. Všetci sa narodili v poľskom meste Osvienčim (Oświeçim), ktoré je dnes, žiaľ, známe predovšetkým kvôli systému koncentračných táborov  s názvom Auschwitz, ktorý v meste a okolí vybudovala nemecká nacistická okupačná správa.
/ Friday, January 31, 2014
Éste video descargable contiene clips de testimonios de sobrevivientes judíos del Holocausto del Archivo de Historia Visual de la Fundación Shoah de la USC que nacieron y se criaron en la ciudad polaca de Oświęcim, ahora infame como la ubicación del sistema de campos de Auschwitz creado allí por la ocupación nazi de la administración alemana.
/ Monday, February 3, 2014
Ruth Windmuller describes boarding the ship St. Louis, the German ship carrying Jewish refugees who were not permitted to disembark in Cuba upon their arrival on May 27, 1939. The refugees were returned to Britain, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, and many were killed during the Holocaust.
clip, female, jewish survivor, st louis, Ruth Windmuller, ship, ship st louis / Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Helena Horowitz describs her self-preservation strategies she used to prevent from being exposed while in hiding.
/ Wednesday, February 5, 2014
تقارير شاهدي عيان مصدرها السجل التاريخي لمؤسسة USC  المختصة بالمحرقة. الفيديو المرفق يتضمن شهادات بعض اليهود الذين أفلتوا من المحرقة. ولدوا وعاشوا في المدينة البولندية أُسْوِشِمْ ذات السمعة السيئة لتواجد المعتقل الجماعي أوشفيتز الذي أقامه فيها النظام النازي الألماني المحتلّ.قبل معتقل أوشفيتز ، كانت مدينة أُسْوِشِمْ تتضمن مجموعة يهودية نامية. يظهر الفيديو بعض الحقائق عن تاريخ المدينة التي هي محطّ أنظار، بفضل أفراد عاشوا فيها. هذه الشهادات تلقي الضوء على ما حدث.مدته حوالي 28 دقيقة.
/ Thursday, February 6, 2014
Agnes Adachi remembers attending the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936; and describes what it was like to watch Jesse Owens compete and win the gold medal. She recalls that the anti-Jewish restrictions and propaganda had been eased at the time because of the international presence in Germany.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Agnes Adachi, Berlin, olympics, 1936 / Thursday, February 6, 2014
/ Friday, February 7, 2014
Sarah Miller remembers fleeing Nazi controlled France and crossing the border into Switzerland in 1944.
clip, female, jewish survivor, sarah miller, escape, france, switzerland / Monday, February 10, 2014
Dieses Video ist ein herunterladbarer Zusammenschnitt von mehreren Zeitzeugen-Interviews des USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archivs, welche mit jüdischen Überlebenden geführt wurden, die in der polnischen Stadt Oświęcim geboren wurden und aufgewachsen sind. Heute kennt man Oświęcim als eine Stadt, die von dem Lagerkomplex Auschwitz gezeichnet ist.
/ Tuesday, February 11, 2014
/ Tuesday, February 11, 2014
sv2014, candidate, student film, student voices / Wednesday, February 12, 2014
sv2014, candidate, student film, student voices / Wednesday, February 12, 2014
sv2014, candidate, student film, student voices / Wednesday, February 12, 2014
George and Giselle Weiss are both child survivors and natives of Belgium. George describes when he first met Giselle after he returned to Belgium from his military service in the Israel. Giselle explains how her grandmother disapproved of their romance because George was not orthodox. In 1955 George and Giselle married in Belgium and moved to the United States. February 13 2014 was George and Giselle’s 59th wedding anniversary.
clip, george weiss, gisele weiss, love, belgium / Thursday, February 13, 2014
George and Giselle Weiss are both child survivors and natives of Belgium. George describes when he first met Giselle after he returned to Belgium from his military service in the Israel. Giselle explains how her grandmother disapproved of their romance because George was not orthodox.  Two years later George and Giselle married in Belgium and then moved to the United States.
/ Friday, February 14, 2014
Eva Dolin was born in Salonika Greece, which had the largest Jewish population in Greece. She remembers being deported to a ghetto area outside of Salonika. Eva also recalls being separated from her parents and how her father encouraged her to escape.
clip, female, jewish survivor, eva dolin, greece, Salonika / Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Jack Robbins was a prosecutor for the United States during the Nuremberg Trials. Jack recalls how the trials were fair proceedings that led to justice and even helped advance international law.
clip, male, war crimes trial participant, jack robbins, Nuremberg Trials / Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Buchenwald camp liberator Leon Bass reflects on the discrimination he experienced while going to college in the United States after his military service.  Leon describes how baffled and angry he felt that he was encountering the same type of prejudice and threat of civil liberties that he fought against during WWII. This testimony clip is featured in the new IWitness Activity, Fighting in the Face of Racism. 
clip, leon bass, male, liberator, racism, IWitness activity / Thursday, February 20, 2014
afh2010, speech, gala / Friday, February 21, 2014
