Through his work with the University of London Institute of Education’s Centre for Holocaust Education, Tony Cole teaches “hard to reach” students, who have social, emotional, behavioral or physical needs. But while these students face significant learning challenges, Cole has found IWitness to be an effective and powerful tool to teach them about the Holocaust.
/ Thursday, September 18, 2014
A sea of faces dotted with “Nie Wieder!” banners wraps around the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Germany's capital. As I join them on this Sunday afternoon, I cannot help but think of the crowds that once had gathered under the same grey skies hanging onto every hateful word of their chosen leader, Adolf Hitler.
anti-semitism, Berlin, Angela Merkel, op-eds, antiSemitism / Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Power of Words activity is inspired by Elie Wiesel; thousands of students read his memoir Night every year to learn about the Holocaust. Students will consider the ways in which speaking and writing might empower survivors.
IWitness activity, iwitness / Thursday, September 18, 2014
Clara Isaacman didn’t speak about her experience hiding from the Nazis in Belgium until about 20 years later. She reflects on how Elie Wiesel inspired her to write a book about her survival called, Clara’s Story. Clara’s testimony is featured in the IWitness activity, The Power of Words.
clip, female, jewish survivor, elie wiesel, belgium, iwitness, Clara Isaacman / Thursday, September 18, 2014