Dans cet extrait, Sarah Montard relate son retour en France et décrit les contrôles sanitaires qu’elle a subis.
clip, female, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Éliane Picard évoque la difficulté qu’elle a éprouvée, pendant longtemps, à raconter son expérience. Elle parle aussi du sentiment de haine qui l’a aidé à tenir durant sa déportation.Éliane Picard, née Lévy, voit le jour le 19 octobre 1924 à Ensisheim (Haut-Rhin), dans une famille juive alsacienne. Elle a trois sœurs et deux frères. Son père est médecin ; sa mère n’exerce pas de profession. Juifs libéraux, les Lévy ne pratiquent pas véritablement la religion.
clip, female, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Chana Rosenberg relate sa libération et sa rencontre avec les soldats russes.
clip, female, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Jean-Louis Steinberg raconte la difficulté de parler de son expérience de déportés dans la France d’après-guerre.
clip, male, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
After Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes Giving Tuesday – a day devoted to donating to charities and nonprofits. Begin the holiday season by supporting the power of testimony and giving to USC Shoah Foundation.
donate / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Roger Trugnan raconte l’arrivée des forces américaines dans le camp où il était interné et son rapatriement en France. Il retrouve sa tante, qui lui apprend la disparition des siens.
clip, male, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Simone Veil parle de l’épuisement psychique et physique des déportés au moment de leur libération. Elle explique comment elle en prit conscience véritablement à travers les yeux des libérateurs anglais du camp de Bergen-Belsen.
clip, female, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Robert Wajcman raconte son rapatriement en France et sa prise en charge à l’hôpital Bichat, alors qu’il se trouve dans un état désespéré.Robert Wajcman est né le 8 mai 1930 à Paris, dans le XIIème arrondissement. Robert et son frère Jacques, né en 1934, grandissent dans un environnement modeste. Leur père, Moishe/Maurice, d’origine polonaise, est brocanteur et leur mère, Jeannette, tient un magasin d’antiquité.
clip, male, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Dans cet extrait, Georges Weinberger raconte comment, après son retour à Paris, il a malencontreusement  voulu rassurer une famille sur le retour prochain d’un de ses membres.
clip, male, jewish survivor, france, CNRD / Tuesday, December 2, 2014
/ Tuesday, December 2, 2014
L’édition 2014-2015 du Concours national de la Résistance et de la Déportation propose aux élèves des collèges et lycées de travailler sur le thème suivant : « La libération des camps nazis, le retour des déportés et la découverte de l'univers concentrationnaire ». Afin de nourrir la réflexion des candidats, nous leur proposons de visionner une série de témoignages.
/ Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Tony Cole, who teaches hard-to-reach students at CSS South Quadrant in Basildon, Essex, introduced educators to IWitness at a workshop at the University of London’s Centre for Holocaust Education in October.
iwitness, teacher training / Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Free and open to the public, monthly Institute visits give guests a chance to explore the life stories of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides and to discover how their memories are being used to overcome prejudice, intolerance and bigotry.Description:
/ Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Iby Amaratji speaks about being randomly selected for the forced labor in the kitchen, which she feels ended up saving her life. This is the 17th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Iby Amaratji, forced labor, Auschwitz70 / Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Livia Bitton-Jackson remembers arriving to Auschwitz as a young girl with her mother and an aunt. Before they entered the camp Livia was stopped by infamous SS physician Josef Mengele.This is the 18th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, Livia Bitton-Jackson, jewish survivor, auschwitz, Josef Mengele, Auschwitz70 / Thursday, December 4, 2014
Edith Sheldon speaks about the musical performances and the cultural forms of resistance in the Theresienstadt ghetto. This testimony clip is featured in the IWitness activity Personal Strength to Survive.
clip, female, jewish survivor, edith sheldon, terezin, iwitness / Thursday, December 4, 2014
At the University of the Aegean in Greece, Pothiti Hantzaroula says IWitness helps her students understand the impact of the Holocaust on their own lives and the lives of others.
/ Thursday, December 4, 2014
/ Thursday, December 4, 2014
After the end of WWII, the Jews in Bohemia were taken care of by the Social Welfare Department of the Council of Jewish Communities. Most of these services were financed by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, also known as the JDC or simply the “Joint”. The work of this American voluntary agency became the main target of attacks once the Communists seized all power in Czechoslovakia in 1948. In 1950 the JDC was expelled, but the need for social work remained.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Edgar Semmel, blog / Thursday, December 4, 2014
The Visual History Archive enables its users to observe the history of political utilization of anti-Jewish prejudice since the beginning of the 20th century until the century's end. Teaching about the mechanisms of hatred and the real goals of the propagandists is of utmost importance especially in what used to be the Soviet Block, where the liberation from Nazi regime did not necessarily mean the end of anti-Jewish propaganda.
anti-semitism, op-eds, antiSemitism / Thursday, December 4, 2014
Jewish resistance to the Holocaust took many forms, and four testimony clips in this activity explain how many people – men, women and children – found ways to retain their humanity and subtly thwart Nazi persecution.
iwitness, IWitness activity / Thursday, December 4, 2014
Teachers learned how to use testimony in their classroom activities at the third Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century professional development program in Poland Nov. 9-14, 2014.
Teaching with Testimony / Friday, December 5, 2014
Elsa Breuer describes the discipline she had to adopt in order not to starve to death while interned in Auschwitz. Including saving food in the morning so she had something to nibble on throughout the day. This is the 19th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Elsa Breuer, camp hunger, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Lilly Cash remembers when she was caught stealing food in Auschwitz and how her sister, Esther, saved her life. This is the 20th testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, female, jewish survivor, action, Lilly Cash, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Herman Gottesman describes the forced labor, living conditions and lack of food in Auschwitz-III. Auschwitz III-Monowitz, also called Buna, was located near the Polish town of Monowice and was the last of three Auschwitz camps established in the vicinity of Oswiecim. This is the 21st testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, male, jewish survivor, monowitz, Herman Gottesman, Auschwitz70 / Friday, December 5, 2014
Już po raz drugi w Centrum Edukacyjnym Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN, a po raz trzeci dla polskich edukatorów, w dniach 9-14 listopada 2014, odbył intensywny kurs  doskonalący p.t. „Nauczanie z użyciem relacji w XXI wieku” realizowany wspólnie przez USC Shoah Foundation Institute i Muzeum POLIN. Szkolenie było wyjątkowe również z tego powodu, że odbyło się 2 tygodnie po oficjalnym otwarciu Wystawy Stałej Muzeum, przedstawiającej 1000 lat obecności Żydów na ziemiach polskichi w czasie obchodów 20. rocznicy powstania USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Friday, December 5, 2014
Living and working in the UNESCO World Heritage city of Trebic, Czech Republic, Daniela Vitaskova often teaches history by taking her students to historical sites. As one of 25 teachers chosen to travel to Poland to attend the Auschwitz: The Past is Present professional development program in January, Vitaskova will prepare herself to take her students to Auschwitz later next year.
a70, educator / Monday, December 8, 2014
Louis Micheels describes working as a nurse and treating for tuberculosis patients in Auschwitz. Micheels remembers how brutality of SS doctors including selecting patients at random to be sent to the gas chambers. This is the 22nd testimony clip in the series 70 Days of Testimony: Leading up to the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz.
clip, male, jewish survivor, nurse, Louis Micheels, camp hospital, Auschwitz70 / Monday, December 8, 2014
The fellowship provides summer support for one member of the University of Pennsylvania faculty to integrate the Institute’s testimonies into a new or modified existing course.
teaching fellowship, rutman teaching fellow / Monday, December 8, 2014
For the third year, USC Shoah Foundation is providing testimony clips that French high school students can use in the essays and audiovisual works they submit to the National Contest on Resistance and Deportation (CNRD).
CNRD, france / Tuesday, December 9, 2014
