Az emlékezés célja nem pusztán a múlt megőrzése, hanem a jövő védelme." - mondta beszédében Barack Obama elnök, a USC Soá Alapítvány fennálásának 2O. évfordulója alkalmából rendezett jubileumi gálaünnepségen, melyhez kapcsolódóan videóinterjúkra épülő bemutató tanórát tartott Szőnyi Andrea, a USC Soá Alapítvány nemzetközi oktatási főtanácsadója és magyarországi képviselője. 
/ Monday, May 12, 2014
As USC Shoah Foundation’s 2014 Yom Hashoah Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Mohammed Dajani gave an inspiring lecture on Friday about teaching the Holocaust to his Palestinian students.
yom hashoah, palestine / Monday, May 12, 2014
Liesl Loeb was a passenger on the German ship St. Louis. She describes the immigration quotas in the United States that limited the number of Jewish refugees allowed into the country. The ship carrying Jewish refugees who were not permitted to disembark in Havana, Cuba, upon their arrival on May 27, 1939. Liesl's testimony is featured in the IWitness activity, Voyage of the St. Louis: From Hope to Despair.
clip, female, jewish survivor, st louis, iwitness, Liesl Loeb / Monday, May 12, 2014
The Killer Within: What the Act of Killing brings to our understanding of violenceBig Data & Humanity: How scholars can harness big data to learn, teach, and healChanging the World through Testimony: Twenty years after the first testimonies were taken, the Visual History Archive is reaching even more people
pastforward / Monday, May 12, 2014