Join us for #IWitnessChat on Wednesday March 8, 2017 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET to discuss how you teach with testimony to commemorate Genocide Awareness Month hosted by Facing History and Ourselves @FacingHistory.
#IWitnessChat, iwitness, facing history / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
When USC Shoah Foundation held its first-ever Ambassadors for Humanity Gala sweepstakes, allowing one lucky winner and their guest to attend the 2016 gala and meet Steven Spielberg and honoree George Lucas, no one could have guessed that the winners would have so many remarkable parallels to USC Shoah Foundation itself.
/ Wednesday, February 8, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Tom Lantos is the only Jewish survivor of the Holocaust who went on to become a US Congressman. He shares his views on values and citizen responsibility in a democracy.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The 27 interviews, recorded January 6-18, 2017, will bring the total number of testimonies in the collection to 103.
Nanjing Massacre / Wednesday, February 8, 2017