Maya Montell is a ninth grader at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, New Jersey. Maya along with her classmates Caroline Waters and Allison Vandal won the 2016 IWitness Video Challenge for their video project “Community of Poetry.”
/ Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Caroline Waters is a ninth grader at Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, New Jersey. Caroline along with her classmates Allison Vandal and Maya Montell won the 2016 IWitness Video Challenge for their video project “Community of Poetry.”
/ Tuesday, February 7, 2017
The conference is an opportunity to share highlights from the past year’s Visual History Archive use in Czech Republic, including research projects, partnerships with other institutions, and secondary education.
Czech Republic, Malach Center / Tuesday, February 7, 2017
2016 IWitness Video Challenge winning video "Community of Poetry," by Allison Vandal, Caroline Waters and Maya Montell.
iwvc, iwitness video challenge / Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Middle school can be complicated. As students, we are preparing to go into high school, making new friends, going to our first dances, and unfortunately for too many of us having to deal with constant bullying. While there are those who might be the perpetrators and victims, there are many of us who are the bystanders and it is our duty to stand up against any form of discrimination. I learned through Holocaust survivor testimony that there are many ways to stand up for others.
iwitness video challenge, iwvc, IWVC2017Series, op-eds / Thursday, February 9, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Simone Maria Liebster survived religious persecution as a Jehovah's Witness during WWII under the Nazi regime. She describes how she stood up for her beliefs despite intense opposition.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Join us for #IWitnessChat on Wednesday March 8, 2017 at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET to discuss how you teach with testimony to commemorate Genocide Awareness Month hosted by Facing History and Ourselves @FacingHistory.
#IWitnessChat, iwitness, facing history / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
When USC Shoah Foundation held its first-ever Ambassadors for Humanity Gala sweepstakes, allowing one lucky winner and their guest to attend the 2016 gala and meet Steven Spielberg and honoree George Lucas, no one could have guessed that the winners would have so many remarkable parallels to USC Shoah Foundation itself.
/ Wednesday, February 8, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Tom Lantos is the only Jewish survivor of the Holocaust who went on to become a US Congressman. He shares his views on values and citizen responsibility in a democracy.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The 27 interviews, recorded January 6-18, 2017, will bring the total number of testimonies in the collection to 103.
Nanjing Massacre / Wednesday, February 8, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Elena explains how her experience being caught between two cultures inspired her to become a human rights activist.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Thursday, February 9, 2017
USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research is currently accepting applications for nearly every one of its research and teaching fellowships.
cagr / Thursday, February 9, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Rosalina was a cooperative activist (activista cooperatista) in Guatemala. She joined women’s collectives and worked weaving textiles and raising rabbits. The women were enthusiastic about life and dedicated to economic growth.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 10, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Anthony reflects on a trip he took with Amnesty International, in which he examined the malpractices of a general in Paraguay.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 10, 2017
Peg LeVine, Ph.D., E.D., is currently an Associate Professor in Global and Population Health at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
/ Friday, February 10, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Norbert remembers the day he was excluded from attending a non-Jewish German school in Berlin, Germany, shortly after Kristallnacht.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 10, 2017
I recently was an expert witness from October 11-13, 2016, at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) in Phnom Penh, the so-called Khmer Rouge Tribunal that was established in 2001. When I mention this to colleagues, a typical response is, “That’s still going on?”  Indeed. Many forget the train that runs direct from USC to Long Beach takes you to the largest concentration of Cambodian survivors in the United States, where elders make daily offerings to ancestors in their homes or Buddhist temples.
GAM, cambodia, Cambodian Genocide, UN tribunal, center for advanced genocide research, cagr, op-eds / Monday, February 13, 2017
#IWitnessChat, iwitness, echoes and reflections / Friday, February 10, 2017
Students will explore the topic through close reading of testimony, they will learn how culture helps to foster a sense of community, students will learn about the relationship of community and law enforcement, and explore the topic of marginalization and its impact.
100 days to inspire respect / Friday, February 10, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Marion describes being welcomed into an ethnically diverse American classroom.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Monday, February 13, 2017
High school English and Holocaust Literature teacher Heather Lewis first learned about “six word stories” at an educators’ conference years ago, but could never find a way to incorporate them into her curriculum – until she discovered USC Shoah Foundation’s 100 Days to Inspire Respect program.
/ Monday, February 13, 2017
In her public lecture on Feb. 9 at USC, Walch outlined the process by which Jews in Berlin lost their rights, access to public spaces, ability to move freely, and finally their own homes, from 1933-38. Throughout her talk, Walch referred to the testimonies in the Visual History Archive.
cagr, katz fellow / Monday, February 13, 2017
As a teenager, it is hard to know how I can make a difference in the world. Fourteen-year-olds don’t drive, we don’t make a lot of money, and with school, homework and extracurricular activities, we don’t have a lot of time. When my teacher, Ms. Bengels, introduced me to a challenge that was not only about bettering the community, but also a way in which I could use my passion for documentary filmmaking, I leapt at the opportunity. The IWitness Video Challenge not only allowed me to pursue my passion but also encourage me to make a difference.
iwitness video challenge, iwvc, IWVC2017Series, op-eds / Thursday, February 16, 2017
Educators in the Detroit area and Glendale, Calif., attended professional development workshops on IWitness in the first months of 2017 in order to learn more about how to incorporate testimony into their teaching.
iwitness / Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Herschel describes sitting in his camp barracks in Auschwitz-Birkenau and the cultural actions taken by the men imprisoned with him in the death camp.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Tuesday, February 14, 2017
100 Days to Inspire Respect Jewish Holocaust survivor Clara Isaacman explains how she and her Christian friends tried to be inclusive of each other's different holidays.
clip, 100 days to inspire respect / Wednesday, February 15, 2017
The USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research invites proposals for its 2017-2018 Rutman Fellowship for Research and Teaching that will provide summer support for one member of the University of Pennsylvania faculty to integrate testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive (VHA) into a new or existing course. The fellowship is open to all disciplinary and methodological approaches and will be awarded on a competitive basis to the most interesting project.
cagr / Wednesday, February 15, 2017
The annual conference brings together experts in the field to discuss new research and advances in oral history and its use in a variety of contexts.
iwitness, Czech Republic / Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Over the course of 2016, testimony from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive contributed to a wide array of published texts, from studies about the methodology of the Institute’s interviewing and cataloguing, to wholly other subjects that pulled from the VHA to back a defined thesis.
cagr / Thursday, February 16, 2017
Inspired by the issues affecting his students in Chicago, high school English teacher Wesley Davidson authored one of USC Shoah Foundation’s new resources for 100 Days to Inspire Respect. Davidson, an English teacher at Chicago Tech Academy, authored an IWitness activity called “To Protect and Serve: Community and Policing,” which is the featured resource today, Day 29 of 100 Days to Inspire Respect.
/ Thursday, February 16, 2017
