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L'USC Shoah Foundation – Institut pour l’histoire visuelle et l’éducation, a organisé une exposition qui a été présentée au siège de l’UNESCO, à Paris. Cette exposition fut l’un des volets de la Journée internationale du souvenir de l’Holocauste pour l’année 2013. Chaque année, le 27 janvier – date anniversaire de la libération d’Auschwitz-Birkenau –, il est rendu hommage aux victimes de l’Holocauste.
unesco / Friday, January 18, 2013
Ana Benkel de Vinocur describe sus primeras impresiones del campo de concentración Auschwitz II-Birkenau a su llegada del gueto de Lódz en mayo de 1944. Ella recuerda su reacción cuando se abrieron las pesadas compuertas del tren de deportación y vio a los prisioneros vistiendo uniformes rayados, calvos, luciendo como esqueletos. Ella habla de la confiscación de todas sus pertenencias y del proceso de selección durante el cual se mantuvo con su madre, pero fue separada de su padre y hermano.
clip, jewish survivor, female, auschwitz / Saturday, May 18, 2013
clip, jewish survivor, female, false identity, hiding, Elena Boguslavsky / Saturday, May 18, 2013
U příležitosti Mezinárodního dne památky holocaustu, v rámci druhého ročníku programu půldenních regionálních seminářů byly českým učitelům ve dnech 21. až 23. ledna představeny informační zdroje vytvořené čtyřmi partnerskými institucemi: experti z Jad Vašem, Oddělení pro vzdělávání a kulturu Židovského muzea v Praze, Památníku Terezín a USC Shoah Foundation společně s místními aktivisty a za podpory karlovarského inspektorátu České školní inspekce představili vzdělávací materiály vytvořené jejich organizacemi. Seminář tentokrát navštívil Karlovy Vary, Ostrov nad Ohří a Plzeň.
/ Saturday, May 18, 2013
Tři roky po zřízení Centra vizuální historie Malach na Karlově Univerzitě v Praze coby přístupového místa k Archivu vizuální historie je jeho význam pro výzkumné a vzdělávací aktivity založené na zkoumání svědectví pamětníků neustále potvrzován.
/ Saturday, May 18, 2013
/ Saturday, May 18, 2013
Over 70 new testimonies have been added to IWitness to increase the scope of experiences students can engage with. IWitness now features 1,321 video testimonies from the Visual History Archive that allows teachers and their students to search, watch, and learn directly from the eyewitness to history. IWitness activities allow students to construct multimedia projects that integrate testimony clips together with footage from other sources, as well as photographs and maps, voiceover audio, music and text.
iwitness, rwanda, kigali, aegis / Thursday, May 16, 2013
Dr. Kori Street, Director of Education for USC Shoah Foundation, will be participating in a panel at the upcoming International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference in San Antonio, Texas from June 23 through June 26. The annual ISTE conference and exposition is the premier conference for educators and education leaders from around the world who are engaged in advancing excellence in learning and teaching through the innovative and effective uses of technology.
kori street, iste, iwitness / Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Dr. Dan Leshem and Dr. Amy Carnes of USC Shoah Foundation will be leading a course to Rwanda this summer that will allow USC students to study post-genocide reconstruction. The course, Rebuilding Rwanda: Memory, Testimony, and Living Together after Genocide, was developed in conjunction with Dr.
rwanda, Dan Leshem, amy carnes, tutsi, pwp, problems without passports / Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Facing History and Ourselves is partnering with the USC Shoah Foundation to explore how Facing History teachers can use IWitness, the Institute’s educational website, to shape teaching and learning experiences for students in a Facing History course.
iwitness, facing history, brandon haas / Monday, May 13, 2013
The students came to the Institute to search for and extract 10 video clips to use for a project in IWitness, the Institute’s award-winning educational website.
Explore IWitness
iwitness, rwanda, education / Friday, May 10, 2013
The USC Shoah Foundation organized an April 25 lecture by Marianne Hirsch, its 2013 Yom Hashoah scholar-in-residence, who discussed her work on postmemory: the relationship that children of Holocaust survivors have with the personal, collective and cultural trauma of their parents.
scholar-in-residence, yom hashoah, marianne hirsch, postmemory, academics / Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monika Koszynska, the USC Shoah Foundation’s regional coordinator in Poland, has been appointed as Chief Specialist in Education at the newly inaugurated Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
warsaw ghetto uprising, poland, Monika Koszynska / Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Stephen Feinberg remembers always finding the study of history to be interesting and exciting. During his studies as an undergraduate and graduate student, he was introduced to the history of the Holocaust.
“I became increasingly aware that this was a watershed event in history,” he recalls. “Therefore, I felt that it should be taught in schools.”
Stephen Feinberg, iwitness, education, holocaust, literacy / Friday, April 26, 2013
Called Gypsy, Tsigan, Gitane, Cygane, Zigeuner, the Roma people have wandered the world for a thousand years—their mysterious origins a source of fascination as well as suspicion. They’ve been romanticized but also brutally persecuted by the more settled and orderly cultures they’ve traveled through and enriched.
roma-sinti, holocaust, performance, visions and voices / Wednesday, April 24, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education invites proposals for its 2013 Teaching Fellows program. Teaching faculty from all 43 VHA access sites are encouraged to apply. The fellowship provides summer support for instructors interested in creating a new course or modifying an existing course to incorporate testimony from the Visual History Archive. There are no restrictions with respect to the disciplinary approach or methodology of the proposed courses.
announcement, teaching fellow / Thursday, April 18, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education was among the participating organizations at an open house for the USC-Max Kade Institute, home of the university’s German Studies and European Studies programs. The open house took place on April 12, 2013.
Guests watched testimony at a computer station connected via Wi-Fi to the Foundation’s Visual History Archive, which is available at USC and more than 40 other institutions around the world.
Max Kade, german studies, Dan Leshem / Wednesday, April 17, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education participated in USC's Genocide Awareness week with a series of events, including an evening of dramatic arts on April 9, 2013.
event, visions and voices, Stephen Smith / Monday, April 15, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation – the Institute for Visual History and Education (the Institute) announces a special education outreach effort to mark the theatrical release of the acclaimed documentary film No Place on Earth, a film directed by Janet Tobias, which chronicles the experiences of 38 men, women and children who survived the Holocaust in Ukraine by hiding in natural cave systems for 511 consecutive days, living underground longer than any human had ever done before.
iwitness, kori street / Friday, April 12, 2013
Eighteen posters from around the world that cry out for an end to violence against women are the subject of Denouncing Violence Against Women, an exhibit at the USC Fisher Museum of Art. Part of USC's Genocide Awareness Week, the exhibit includes Holocaust witness testimony from the Visual History Archive of the USC Shoah Foundation. The exhibit is open to the public from April 8-21, 2013.
event, visions and voices, Stephen Smith, Dan Leshem / Tuesday, April 9, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation participates in Yom Hashoah observance, launch of Six Million Coins™ initiative
On Yom Hashoah, April 7, 2013, USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education remembered the victims of the Holocaust at a unique observance at Mount Sinai Memorial Park in Simi Valley, California.
yom hashoah, Stephen Smith / Monday, April 8, 2013
On Thursday evening, March 28, 2013, USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education held its third annual Student Voices Film Contest awards ceremony and screening. The event took place at the USC School of Cinematic Arts.
The Student Voices Film Contest challenges USC students to “join the conversation about genocide and human rights” by producing a five- to seven-minute film using testimony from the Institute’s Visual History Archive, which contains video interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses of the Holocaust.
student voices / Friday, March 29, 2013
On March 19, USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education gave a presentation about education based on Holocaust survivor testimony to more than 100 students, faculty, and staff of the University of Szeged, one of Central Europe’s foremost institutions of higher learning.
Andrea Szőnyi, Szonyi, education, hungary, international / Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Rachel Hanan was only a little girl at the time, but she will never forget the day in 1938 when newspapers in her home country of Italy published an ugly caricature intended to represent a Jewish face. Along with the illustration came the announcement of new legislation that applied only to Jewish citizens. Rachel’s life would never be the same.
apartheid, south africa / Friday, March 22, 2013