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Tento sestřih z filmových vzpomínek pamětníků původně vznikl jako součást programu 5. výroční konference Centra vizuální historie Malach při Univerzitě Karlově v Praze. Širšímu publiku představují veselé, odbojné a protinacistické kabaretní písničky z terezínského ghetta a jidiš písně tradičních židů. Sestřih tak zachycuje část mozaiky kultur a identit, o kterou naši společnost připravila genocida osob označených za Židy za druhé světové války.
/ Thursday, March 12, 2015
Students examine Ellis Lewin’s testimony in the Information Quest about his life before, during and after the Holocaust.
iwitness, IWitness activity, ellis lewin / Thursday, March 12, 2015
Ellis Lewin describes the horrible living conditions including personal property seizure in the Lodz Ghetto. This tesitmony clip is featured in the IWitness activity Information Quest: Ellis Lewin.
clip, male, jewish survivor, ellis lewin, Lodz ghetto, iwitness, property seizure / Thursday, March 12, 2015
Eva Krause reflects on being liberated from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and how the experience strengthened her faith.
clip, female jewish survivor, Eva Krause, bergen-belsen, liberation, life, faith / Friday, March 13, 2015
Digital Archives such as the VHA have unbounded teaching potential. The focus of this panel is on how putting such archives to pedagogical use presents unique challenges for instructors, but also innovative opportunities for students to engage with visual testimony. The panelists will explore the themes of creating a dialogue between the student and the testimony through repeated exposure, editing and understanding narratives. Chair: Todd Presner, Ph.D.Christina Isabel BrüningDJ Johnson, M.F.A.Roy Schwartzman, Ph.D.
presentation / Friday, March 13, 2015
Stunning works of art, film and writing have once again been given top prizes at Chapman University and The 1939 Society’s 16th Annual Holocaust Art & Writing Contest.
chapman, art, testimony, iwitness, jenna leventhal / Friday, March 13, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation CTO Sam Gustman is the keynote speaker at Tuesday’s Metadata Madness conference in Los Angeles, which will convene data experts from across the entertainment and technology industries to discuss the latest developments in metadata and distribution.
Sam Gustman, its, conference, visual history archive / Monday, March 16, 2015
Eli Benyacar describes life in the Salonika Ghetto in Greece including the cramped apartment shared between multiple families. Eli also recalls how a Greek policeman notified his family that men were being deported to Auschwitz and helped the men in the family escape the deportations. However, the next day Eli and his brother found out that everyone including woman were deported so they returned to be deported with the rest of their family.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Eli Benyacar, greek, déportation, auschwitz, Salonika Ghetto / Monday, March 16, 2015
The webinar will provide instructions and helpful tips for implementing the assignment and submitting students' entries to the contest.
iwitness video challenge, webinar / Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Rob Kuznia joined the communications department of USC Shoah Foundation as publicist last fall. Today, he is celebrating a major accomplishment from his previous life as a journalist: a Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting.
/ Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Helena Jonas Rosenzweig recalls arriving to Oskar Schindler’s factory in Brünnlitz after being imprisoned in Auschwitz. This testimony clip is featured in the IWitness activity IWitness Video Challenge.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Helena Jonas Rosenzweig, schindler jew / Tuesday, March 17, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation is planning to record 20 new testimonies for the second phase of its North Africa and Middle East collection. Fundraising is currently underway for this phase to begin.
testimonies of north africa and middle east, Africa, Middle East, jacqueline gmach / Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Dr. Wolf Gruner, Chair of the USC Center for Advanced Genocide Research, will be presenting a paper at "Gender, Memory and Genocide. An International Conference Marking 100 Years Since the Armenian Genocide," held in Berlin, Germany, at The Center for Research on Antisemitism, Berlin Institute of Technology.
/ Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Diane Wohl first visited USC Shoah Foundation when it was housed in trailers on the Universal Studios backlot nearly 20 years ago, and her support for its mission and programs has only continued to grow over the years.
/ Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In 1942 Nazi Germany occupied the French North African country of Tunisia and implemented anti-Jewish policy. At the age of 13, Eva Boukris Weisel and her family went into hiding, protected by Khaled Abdul Wahab, an Arab Muslim. Wahab saved nearly 20 Jews by hiding them in the stables at his farm. Weisel’s testimony is from the Testimonies from North Africa and the Middle East collection.
female, jewish survivor, sephardic, North Africa, Middle East, Tunisia, hiding, Eva Boukris Weisel / Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In 1942 Nazi Germany occupied the French North African country of Tunisia and implemented anti-Jewish policy. At the age of 13, Eva Boukris Weisel and her family went into hiding, protected by Khaled Abdul Wahab, an Arab Muslim. Wahab saved nearly 20 Jews by hiding them in the stables at his farm. Weisel’s testimony is from the Testimonies from North Africa and the Middle East collection.
clip, female, jewish sephardic surivovr, Eva Boukris Weisel, hiding, Tunisia / Wednesday, March 18, 2015
What does it mean to live 70 years after the liberation of Auschwitz in a world in deep crisis? What does it mean with all we know about the damage that hatred causes – after all the pain we have gone through – that we are hurtling out of control into an inferno of rage that takes us right back to where we started? Why are survivors of the Holocaust who walked out of the camps with at least the hope that their own suffering was not in vain, dying disappointed?
anti-semitism, action, beginswithme, GAM, résistance, op-eds, antiSemitism / Wednesday, March 18, 2015
USC Shoah Foundation has published a new online exhibit and two new IWitness activities that expand the Institute’s educational offerings in terms of language and subject matter.
iwitness, IWitness activity, online exhibit, czech, Czech Republic, Roma Sinti / Thursday, March 19, 2015
Julia Lentini describes the events on March 8, 1943, when the town mayor told her father that Julia's family would be deported from their home to Frankfurt for a few days. The family was deported to the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. This testimony clip is featured in the new IWitness activity: The Nazi Genocide Against the Rome and Sinti (Gypsy) People.
clip, female, Sinti Roma survivor, roma sinti survivor, Julia Lentini, déportation, auschwitz / Thursday, March 19, 2015
Teachers in Hungary are once again invited to learn how to construct their own testimony-based classroom activities.
hungary, Teaching with Testimony, Teaching with Testimony in 21st Century, Andrea Peto, Andrea Szőnyi / Friday, March 20, 2015
Michael Banhidi recalls how anti-Semitism and racial discrimination spread throughout his neighborhood in Hungary.
clip, male, jewish survivor, hungary, anti-semitism, discrimination / Friday, March 20, 2015
Alice Herscovitch first became Executive Director of the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre in 2007, and it didn’t take long for her realize the incredible untapped resource that was the MHMC’s collection of 550 Holocaust survivor testimonies.“I knew we had an extraordinary collection, but for what?” Herscovitch recalled. “Why did we record these if we’re not going to do something with them?”
/ Monday, March 23, 2015
With the arrival of new testimonies and indexers, USC Shoah Foundation is advancing to the next stage of its Preserving the Legacy initiative.
canada, indexing / Monday, March 23, 2015
Paul Barna speaks on the difficulty of emigrating from Europe to Canada in 1957. He reflects on his life in Montreal including his participation in the local Jewish community.
clip, male, jewish survivor, paul barna, canada, immigration, post war / Monday, March 23, 2015
Two months after her Auschwitz: The Past is Present trip to Poland, Karen Wells is more committed than ever to sharing what she learned and making sure the stories of survivors are not forgotten.
past is present, poland, Auschwitz70 / Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Jeffrey Langham oversees the management and the strategic development of the Institute's website. Prior to the Institute, Jeffrey worked at a Los Angeles-area design firm for seven years as a web designer/programmer with experience in print design and copywriting. He received his doctorate in English Literature from the University of Southern California.
/ Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Holocaust collection in USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive contains nearly 53,000 testimonies; however, only a mere six of those testimonies are from survivors who were persecuted by the Nazis for being gay: one in English, three in German, one in French, and one in Dutch. There are other gay survivors we have in the Archive, but they were persecuted by the Nazis for the greater sin of being Jewish; Gad Beck being one of them. The meager number says a lot about the history of the gay men who lived through the Nazi regime and who came out the other end willing and unafraid to speak about their lives.
GAM, homosexuality, holocaust, homosexual, gay, survivor, Albrecht Becker, paragraph 175, gay pride, op-eds / Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre (MHMC) and Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre in Toronto announced an historic agreement to have their testimonies integrated in the Visual History Archive as part of the Institute’s Preserving the Legacy initiative.
canada, visual history archive / Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Albrecht Becker recounts the atmosphere for gays in Nazi Germany while Röhm was still in charge of the SA and how the relative freedom he enjoyed during that time changed dramatically after Röhm's assassination in June 1934.
gay, homosexual, homophobia, Röhm, Roehm, Albrecht Becker / Tuesday, March 24, 2015
In this clip from his testimony, Albrecht Becker recalls the circumstances of his arrest and a particular member of the Gestapo by the name of Gerun who may have saved his life.
homsexaulity, homophobia, gay, arrest, gestapo, Gerun, Albrecht Becker / Tuesday, March 24, 2015