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Former congresswoman and war crimes trial participant Elizabeth Holtzman remembers working with Julian Bond during the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960’s.
clip, female, war crimes trial participant, Elizabeth Holtzman, Julian Bond, civil rights / Monday, August 17, 2015
Teachers participating in Facing History and Ourselves’s “Holocaust and Human Behavior” seminar spent a day at USC last week learning how to use IWitness to teach about the Holocaust, genocide, tolerance and other topics.
facing history, iwitness, teacher training, rob hadley / Monday, August 17, 2015
While her fellow indexers focused on mainly English-language testimonies in USC Shoah Foundation’s new collection from Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCS) of San Francisco, Svetlana Ushakova indexed testimonies of Holocaust survivors from her native Russia – who at times felt like her own friends.With a PhD in Russian History from Novosibirsk University, Ushakova joined the JFCS collection with expertise in pre-war Soviet history, though she had not worked very closely with oral history testimonies before.
/ Monday, August 17, 2015