Students who are learning about the Holocaust have probably heard a lot about antisemitism as it manifested itself in Europe in the 1930s and ‘40s. What they might not realize, however, is that antisemitism still affects students just like them today, right here in America.
/ Tuesday, September 6, 2016
As an educator who has used IWitness to teach various subjects, units and topics here are some tips to integrating testimony into any curriculum, including Science.
backtoschoolwithIWitness, Teaching with Testimony, iwitness, IWitness17, Science, op-eds / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
In this clip from the new Echoes and Reflections lesson on Contemporary Antisemitism, Dachau liberator Felix Sparks explains why it is so important for him to speak out against Holocaust deniers.
clip / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Watch the official trailer for the documentary Finding Oscar that follows the search for a boy who is living proof of the 1982 Dos Erres massacre that wiped out a community in Guatemala.
/ Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Echoes and Reflections, a Holocaust education partnership program of USC Shoah Foundation, Anti-Defamation League and Yad Vashem, published a new lesson dedicated to teaching students about antisemitism as it exists in the world today.
echoes and reflections, anti-semitism, antiSemitism / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Diego recuerda cuando empezaron los bombardeos en su aldea, él cuenta de su decisión de abandonar su casa y esconderse en las montañas perdiendo todo.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, Diego Rivera Santiago / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Jesús Tecú Osorio cuenta cómo la comunidad intenta llevar a juicio al capitán del destacamento para hacerlo responsable y lo difícil que ha sido capturarlo.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, Jesús Tecú Osorio / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Juliana cuenta cómo fueron las oportunidades de recibir una educación. Su madre no quería que fuera a la escuela, por considerar una forma de aculturación.
clip, female, Juliana Tun Xalin, Guatemalan Genocide / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Juliana cuenta cómo fue cuando llegaron organizaciones internacionales a las montañas para ayudarlos a salir sin peligro de ser perseguidos por el ejército.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, Juliana Tun Xalin / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Rosa María cuenta como salieron corriendo escapando de la masacre a esconderse en el bosque montañoso.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, rosa maria tec cac / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Rosalina cuenta como empieza la persecución, la gente desaparecida y el miedo cambian la vida de su comunidad.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, Rosalina Tuyuc Velasquez, female / Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Rosalina habla de la conciencia cultural y los grupos que surgieron enfocando en la identidad maya.
clip, Guatemalan Genocide, roslina tuyuc velasquez / Tuesday, September 6, 2016