Roma and Sinti survivor Ella Davis describes how she was punished for getting caught stealing potatoes at Auschwitz.
clip / Tuesday, August 1, 2017
What are the pillars of modern democracy and how can democracy be defended in days of crisis? These questions keep coming to me these days, when Poland faces a really serious crisis that so far has caused a huge polarization in Polish society that divides neighbors, colleagues, friends, even families. Being an educator for almost 30 years, teaching first young students, then teenagers and finally teachers about history, civil rights and human rights, I have realized what a huge setback the Polish educational system has suffered.
op-eds / Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Gerson Adler recalls the Stürmer newspaper issued by the Nazi party that promulgated antisemitic stereotypes.
propaganda, Stürmer, antiSemitism, stereotype / Tuesday, August 1, 2017
In this clip, Henry Sinason, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, recalls how widespread Nazi antisemitic propaganda was all over the city where he lived.
propaganda, antiSemitism / Tuesday, August 1, 2017