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Gerard Friedenfeld remembers when the Nazis occupied the Sudetenland. He was only a child when his father was arrested with groups of other men. Later the Nazis ordered all other Jewish women and children to leave their homes.
clip, male, Gerard Friedenfeld, jewish survivor, Sudetenland / Monday, October 14, 2013
Giulia Spizzichino, who gave her testimony in Italian on March 25, 1998, speaks about the Ardeatine Caves Massacre that took place outside Rome on March 24, 1944. In one of the worst massacres in Italy during World War II, over 300 Italian men were shot, in retaliation for an attack on SS personnel by resistance fighters. The previous day, the Patriotic Action Group (Gruppi d'Azione Patriotica, or GAP) set off a bomb that killed 33 German soldiers marching on Via Rassella. Hitler made an order that within 24 hours, 10 Italians were to be shot for each dead German.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Italy, rome, massacre, ardeatine caves, giulia spizzichino / Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Sol Liber explains his involvement as a resistance fighter during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which took place beginning April 16, 1943. Along with his fellow ghetto inhabitant, Hakiva Leifer, he fought in the Warsaw ghetto until his capture and eventual deportation to the Treblinka II Death Camp, Poland, in May 1943.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Sol Liber, warsaw ghetto uprising / Friday, October 18, 2013
Ernest James speaks of his participation as a United States soldier in the battle for Aachen, Germany, in October 1944. He explains how the United States armed forces surrounded Aachen and forced the German armed forces to surrender. It was October 21, 1944.  
clip, male, liberator, Ernest James, Aachen Germany / Friday, October 18, 2013
Freddy Diament remembers participating in the revolt at Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany. He recalls hearing rumors that SS personnel were going to gas Jews in the camp. So a group of prisoners decided to fight the Nazis, rather than just be killed by them.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Freddy Diament, revolt, Sachsenhausen / Monday, October 21, 2013
In 1941 more anti- Jewish measures were implemented and intensified in Nazi Germany including ration cards, forbidding Jews to emigrate and deportations of Jews to ghettos and concentration camps. Gerda Haas was a nurse at a hospital in Berlin  when her mother was deported to the Riga ghetto in Latvia in late 1941.
clip, jewish survivor, Gerda Haas, female, 1941, Germany, déportation / Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Agnes Adachi speaks about peace and how we must speak to our children because they are so important in creating a peaceful world.  
clip, female, jewish survivor, Agnes Adachi, future message / Thursday, October 24, 2013
Arie Van Mansum was only in his early 20’s when he helped rescue Jews in the Netherlands. He describes why he chose to risk in life in order to hide and rescue Jews. Arie was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem.
clip, male, liberator, Arie Van Mansum / Friday, October 25, 2013
Fred Ostrowski talks about the arrest and deportation of Jews of Polish origin from Germany to Poland on October 28, 1938. He remembers the journey from his hometown, Essen, Germany, to Zbaszyn, a border town in Poland. He relates that he and his mother were placed in the home of a Polish family shortly after their arrival Zbaszyn and notes that his father was in Lódz, Poland, at the time.  
clip, male, jewish survivor, Fred Ostrowski, poland, déportation / Monday, October 28, 2013
Tania Fink was only five years old when she and her family were captured by German soldiers and sent to Bergen Belsen concentration camp. She remembers what the camp looked like including the prisoner bunks and barbed wire fencing that surrounded the camp.  
clip, jewish survivor, female, Tania Fink, bergen belsen / Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Leo Bach explains how humanity has a responsibility to stop atrocities like the Holocaust from happening again.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Leo Bach, future message / Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Elizabeth Bader remembers her grade school in Nazi Germany and recalls her first teacher being relieved of his duties because he was too friendly with Jewish families. Elizabeth also reflects on how the Nazi’s ideologies were taught in the classroom.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Elizabeth Bader, education / Thursday, October 31, 2013
November 2 marks the 70th anniversary of the mass deportation of the Karachai people, who Soviet authorities accused of having collaborated with the Germans during World War II. Over 70,000 Karachais were transported in cattle cars in deplorable conditions from the North Caucasus to Central Asia, beginning on November 2, 1943.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Sergey Albert, Karachai, déportation / Friday, November 1, 2013
Hanna Nelson recalls working for the German army in the Riga ghetto in Latvia. Hannah explains how her job had saved her life because when she returned from work one day the ghetto had been liquidated.    
clip, jewish survivor, female, riga ghetto, Hannah Nelson / Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sigmund Tobias and his family fled Berlin, Germany, and arrived in the Hongkew district of Shanghai about June 1939. There, he attended the Shanghai Jewish Youth Association School and the Mir Yeshiva. Following the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Tobias family, along with most of the Jewish refugees in Shanghai, were forced by the Japanese to live, under difficult conditions, in the Hongkew ghetto. He describes his visit to Shanghai in 1988, almost 50 years after his arrival there as a refugee from Germany.
clip, male, jewish survivor, sigmund tobias, Shanghai / Wednesday, November 6, 2013
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贝托尔德•卡兹谈到了一名当时负责为生活在上海虹口隔都的犹太人发放每月通行证的名叫合屋的日本官员,回忆起了合屋对隔都居民的粗暴施虐 。
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Sigi Hart remembers the celebration of his Bar Mitzvah in the ruins of the burnt down synagogue his family attended in Berlin, Germany. He recalls it took place a few days following the November Pogrom (Kristallnacht) in November 1938.
clip, jewish survivor, Sigi Hart, kristallnacht, male / Friday, November 8, 2013
In 1943, Don Shimazu, joined the US Army, like many other Japanese-American soldiers, to prove his loyalty to the United States. He participated in the liberation of the Dachau Concentration Camp as a member of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion organized as part of the 442nd Regimental Combat team. Don explains how this experience influenced his values and attitudes in his postwar life.
clip, male, liberator, veteran, Don Shimazu, dachau / Friday, November 8, 2013
In November 1938 a pogrom broke out throughout Germany and across the Sudetenland. Tom Tugend remembers hearing the mob and the breaking of glass outside his family’s home in Berlin during Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass.”
clip, jewish survivor, male, Tom Tugend, kristallnacht / Monday, November 11, 2013
Ann Monka was born in Lida a small town with a prosperous Jewish population in Poland. Ann and her mother were separated from her brother, sister and father after escaping the Lida Ghetto. Ann remembers when she and her mother hid in the Polish forests with the Bielski Partisans, while the rest of her family escaped deportations by jumping from the Nazi transport trains.
clip, female, jewish survivor, ann monka, poland / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
opposition, lesson, clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, November 12, 2013
