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Mayer displays three different photographs from the ghetto Sieradz. He says that the Nazis photographed every misdeed that they did because they were proud of what they were doing.
clip / Thursday, February 18, 2016
Theodore Zev Weiss Holocaust Educational Foundation Professor at Northwestern University Peter Hayes examines antisemitism and homophobia as central components of Nazi racism.
presentation / Friday, March 13, 2015
Jewish Holocaust Survivor Eva Abraham Podietz went to school as usual during the Kristallnacht Pogrom only to be sent right home again. On her way home, she encountered Nazi youths. Gender: FemaleDOB: May 22, 1927City of birth: HamburgCountry of birth: GermanyGhettos: NoFled Nazi Occupied Territory: Yes  
kristallnacht, pogrom, female, clip, Eva Abraham-Podietz / Sunday, May 5, 2013
July 24, 2014: Harry Reicher, Professor of Law at University of Pennsylvania and USC Shoah Foundation's inaugural Rutman Teaching Fellow, utilized his fellowship to collect Holocaust survivor testimony content he could utilize in his classes, which currently make liberal use of multimedia content.Featuring historical footage, Nazi propaganda film, modern cinema clips, and Visual History Archive testimony, Reicher's lecture provided an overview of the Nazi legal system and demonstrated the value of film in teaching this subject.
presentation / Monday, August 4, 2014
January 18, 2012: Resistance during the Holocaust is still mostly seen in terms of organized or armed group activities, yet this perspective overlooks individual acts of opposition. Up to now, the availability of sources for analyzing the behavior of German Jews has been limited. Historians used reports originated by the Nazi state and/or written post-war testimonies. In those sources individual acts of opposition barely emerge. However, a closer analysis of the micro level of Nazi society challenges the common image of German Jews as passive victims.
presentation / Wednesday, December 11, 2013
In this clip, Henry Sinason, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, recalls how widespread Nazi antisemitic propaganda was all over the city where he lived.
propaganda, antiSemitism / Tuesday, August 1, 2017
This clip reel features several Holocaust survivors talking about the antisemitism they experienced in relation to the sports they played during the Nazi era in Germany.
/ Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Kurt, an American soldier, and Gerda, a Holocaust survivor, recall how they met the day Kurt liberated her from a derelict factory where Nazi soldiers abandoned her and other women during a death march.
liberation, clip reel, death march, Kurt Klein, gerda klein / Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Holocaust survivor Gloria Lachman remembers Nazi soldiers appearing at her house and physically forcing her grandmother to vote for Hitler, an experience that caused her to deeply value the right to vote.
clip, election / Monday, November 7, 2016
Famed musician and Holocaust survivor Victor Borge describes how he was targeted by Nazi sympathizers in Denmark. They harrassed him at his concerts, attacked him in the street, and published articles about him in their papers.
clip / Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Edith Lowy describes how her family hid during the Holocaust and after a series of event, the family decided to voluntarily march into the nearby labor camp to avoid the consequences of being caught by the Nazis.
clip, female, edith lowy, jewish survivor, hiding / Monday, January 25, 2016
George Auman escaped Nazi Germany in the late 1930’s and immigrated to the United States. He later joined the military and helped liberate Nordhausen concentration camp. Auman describes the importance of learning from the Holocaust and speaking about his experience.
clip, male, jewish survivor, george auman, future message / Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Holocaust survivor David Fertig was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1922 to Polish parents. He escaped Nazi Germany on the Kindertransport at age 16 to live with cousins in England, where he joined the Royal Air Force. (02:04:22)
/ Friday, May 3, 2024
Holocaust rescuer/aid provider Bertram Schaeffner describes how gay people in Nazi Germany had to hide their relationships in public. They could be punished for speaking to each other on the street if they couldn't prove how they knew each other.
clip / Monday, June 13, 2016
Jean describes leaving his sister with her non-Jewish friend from school, while he and his younger brother left Paris and crossed enemy lines, fleeing Nazi-occupied France by spending a night in the forest. This clip is part of the Visual History Archive's Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre collection.
clip, Canadian / Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Jewish survivor Rita Kuhn discusses her interest in speaking with her Nazi cousin to learn a lot more about her experiences in the Holocaust. She says that her past did not exist to her until she openly discussed it in 1985, and she was finally able to share her experiences publicly in Berlin in 1988.
clip / Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Jewish Holocaust SurvivorInterview language: CzechVěra's mother was Otylie, Franz Kafka's sister. But the family never knew what a famous writer Franz would become many years after his death.
clip, subtitled, female, jewish survivor, franz kafka, writer / Friday, May 24, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation and USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism will present an advance screening on Jan. 15 of “Voices of Auschwitz,” a new CNN documentary telling the stories of four survivors from the Nazi German Concentration and extermination camp. The hour-long special is hosted by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, himself the son of Holocaust survivors.
/ Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Jewish Holocaust Survivor Jacob Wiener recalls being taunted by his classmates during the Kristallnacht Pogrom. Gender: MaleDOB: March 25, 1917City of birth: BremenCountry of birth: GermanyGhettos: NoWent into hiding: NoFled Nazi-occupied Territory: Yes  
kristallnacht, pogrom, male, clip, Jacob Wiener / Sunday, May 5, 2013
In this event Hosted by USC Shoah Foundation, in partnership with Writer's Bloc and Holocaust Museum LA, Batalion unveils countless stories of ingenuity, ferocity, and daring by girls and young women who fought the Nazis in Hitler’s ghettos in Poland. They blew up trains. They smuggled food and guns. They distributed false papers. They built bombs from a recipe unearthed in an old Russian pamphlet. They bought munitions. They spied.
lecture, presentation / Thursday, January 20, 2022
Clara Isaacman (née Heller) was born in Borsa, Romania, before WWII. Due to rampant anti-Semitism, her family left Romania and moved to Antwerp, Belgium inthe late 1920s, when Clara was a child. Clara’s father, Shalom, was in the diamond business and owned a soda factory. Clara attended a Hebrew school and a publicschool in Antwerp.
female, jewish survivor, clip, unesco / Thursday, January 23, 2014
This video focuses on the theme of diplomats and rescue and relates some of the best-known cases of aid provided by consulates and embassies including the efforts of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, Raoul Wallenberg, and Chiune Sugihara. Diplomats in countries throughout Europe helped Jews escape persecution by issuing visas and other travel paperwork that allowed Jews to flee Nazi-occupied territory. Featured in the video are the testimonies of Israel Kipen, Per Anger, and Henri Deutsch who recount their personal experiences of rescue during the Holocaust.
unesco, rescue, wallenberg, sugihara, holocaust, clip reel, clip / Friday, February 1, 2013
Jewish Holocaust Survivor Mr. Strauss remembers the observance of Shabbat in Buchenwald as a form of spiritual resistance. The prisoners continued to chant the Jewish prayers even under the threat of death.
religion, religious, observance, shabbat, shabbos, clip, male, Manfred Strauss / Sunday, May 5, 2013
Jewish Holocaust SurvivorInterview language: HungarianÉva explains how she survived a roundup of Jews by Hungary’s Arrow Cross party members in Budapest in winter 1944. A young Hungarian Nazi came to take Eva, but spared her at the last minute due to Eva's father's quick thinking. Years after the war, she encountered the man again, this time as a high-ranking political police officer in then-Communist Hungary.
clip, subtitled, female, jewish survivor, arrow cross, sports / Friday, May 24, 2013
November 8, 2012: Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda spoke at the institute's Sexual Violence Against Women During the Holocaust Symposium, co-sponsored by Equality Now. Ms.
Jane Fonda, event, reading, performance, presentation / Monday, July 29, 2013
This downloadable video contains clips from testimonies of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust from the USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive who were born and grew up in the Polish city of Oświęcim, now infamous as the location of Auschwitz camp system created there by the occupying Nazi German administration.
auschwitz, clip reel, prewar / Thursday, January 23, 2014
English Translation: “If I made the decision to speak is because I think -- not just for me since it is very difficult [to speak] and I thought about it but not for long-- because I believe that like me, all those who went through the Holocaust should not remain silent. We must speak for the sake of future generations and to prevent this from happening again. And we are not so far from it because, lately, skinheads [Neo-Nazis] are lifting their heads. It is also being said that what we are telling is happening only in the movies, such as in Schindler's List.
jewish surivor, male, subtitled / Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ralph Leeser and his family fled to the United States from Nazi Germany in 1939. A few years later he joined the United States armed forces and helped liberate Buchenwald concentration camp. After the liberation Leeser and his fellow soldiers went to Braunau, Austria and entered Hitler's home.
clip, male, liberator, jewish survivor, Ralph Leeser, Braunau / Monday, June 9, 2014
Clara Isaacman (née Heller) est née à Borsa, en Roumanie, avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa famille quitte la Roumanie à cause de l’antisémitisme rampant et rejoint Anvers (Belgique) à la fin des années 1920, alors que Clara n’est encore qu’une enfant. Le père de Clara, Shalom, est diamantaire et possède une fabrique de soude. Clara fréquente une école hébraïque et une école publique à Anvers.
/ Sunday, January 26, 2014
Paul Engel was born into a middle-class Jewish family on May 4, 1922 in Vienna, Austria. He had a younger brother, Robert. When World War I broke out in 1914, his father, Eduard, was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army. Captured as a prisoner of war, he spent six years in Siberia working in a coal mine, finally reuniting with his family in 1920. In Vienna, Eduard owned a perfume wholesale business. Before the war, Paul attended a primary school and was accepted to a Gymnasium in the 14th district of Vienna.
male, jewish survivor, clip, Shanghai, unesco, leaving home / Thursday, January 23, 2014
