Elio Toaff racconta le atrocità dell’eccidio perpetrato dai soldati tedeschi contro civili inermi a S.Anna di Stazzema (Lucca) il 12 agosto 1944, essendo giunto sul luogo poco dopo la strage. Spiega anche come questa visione lo abbia spinto definitivamente a entrare nella Resistenza.
clip, male, jewish survivor, portal / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Vittorio Foa introduce una importante riflessione sulla specificità della Shoah. Il genocidio perpetrato dai nazisti è stato un prodotto della modernità, non un barbaro retaggio del passato. I progressi della scienza sono stati utilizzati non per migliorare la vita dell’uomo ma per produrre la morte.
clip, male, jewish survivor / Tuesday, September 24, 2013
/ Tuesday, September 24, 2013
sv, student voices, reel, promo / Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Peace Over Violence will present USC Shoah Foundation with the Media Award at its 42nd Annual Humanitarian Awards Oct. 25.
award, testimony / Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Patti Giggans has been the executive director of Peace Over Violence since 1985, but her passion for social justice began before she even got her high school diploma. “As a sophomore in high school geometry class I remember reading William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” Giggans said. “I read it on my lap... I flunked geometry.”
/ Wednesday, September 25, 2013
/ Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Miriam Lichterman talks about the celebration of the Jewish Holiday, Simhat Torah, at her synagogue and at her home in prewar Warsaw, Poland. She remembers the cooking and especially the baked goods prepared by her mother for Simhat Torah following the observance of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.
clip, Miriam Lichterman, female, jewish survivor, Sukkot / Thursday, September 26, 2013
The first Jewish culture festival in Milan, Italy, will feature testimony clips about Shabbat from Italian Holocaust survivors and a Polish survivor in an online exhibit.
Italy, visual history archive, shabbat, testimony / Thursday, September 26, 2013
We continue our 10-part Echoes and Reflections series with Lesson 3: Nazi Germany.
echoes and reflections, testimony, teaching, student, iwitness / Friday, September 27, 2013
Faculty from the University of Pennsylvania will teach courses using the Visual History Archive for another three years following a new grant from the Fife Foundation.
/ Monday, September 30, 2013
Régine Jacubert est née le 24 janvier 1920 à Zagorow (Pologne). La famille part pour la France en 1930 et s’installe à Nancy. Réfugiée à Bordeaux avec les siens en 1940, elle rentre seule à Nancy où elle travaille. Le reste de sa famille est arrêté et interné. A Nancy, elle échappe à la grande rafle du 19 juillet 1942 et passe clandestinement en zone Sud. A Lyon, où elle a trouvé un travail, elle entre dans le mouvement de résistance Combat, en janvier 1943. Arrêtée en juin 1944, elle est interrogée à la Gestapo, notamment par Klaus Barbie.
full, testimony, female, jewish survivor / Monday, September 30, 2013
Adolphe Kornman est né le 18 octobre 1927 à Paris. Il grandit dans le Marais. Il assiste à la rafle du Vélodrome d’Hiver en juillet 1942 et, en octobre, la famille trouve un passeur qui l’achemine en zone non occupée. Un temps réfugié avec son père en zone italienne, à Nice, il finit par quitter la ville quand celle-ci est envahie par les Allemands en septembre 1943. Grâce au réseau de la Sixième, Adolphe Kornman franchit la frontière suisse en mai 1944. Il y demeure quelques mois, dans différents camps, avant de rentrer en France, après la libération du territoire.
full, testimony, male, jewish survivor / Monday, September 30, 2013
/ Monday, September 30, 2013
High school teacher Peter Cook discusses the importance of character education, and putting "culture before content," in today's classrooms.
pastforward, teaching with testimony for the 21st century / Monday, September 30, 2013
Kurt Messerschmidt remembers reciting a challenging piece of Latin in the classroom making his Hebrew teacher and Non-Jewish teachers very proud and surprised.
clip, male, teacher, jewish survivor, Kurt Messerschmidt / Monday, September 30, 2013
A knight of the British Empire and an Olympic athlete recorded two of the newest testimonies for USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
visual history archive, testimony / Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Liz Bommarito has been using IWitness in her English classes at Midwood High School in Brooklyn for the past two years. Her senior class is currently working on the IWitness Video Challenge, and this year each student has an extra incentive to win: The top five students, as voted by the class, will attend USC Shoah Foundation’s annual Ambassadors for Humanity Gala on Thursday.
/ Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Eva Hayman remembers when her family found out about the Kindertransport orchestrated by Sir Nicholas Winton. Eva and her sister were a part of the 669 children who were rescued by Winton from Czechoslovakia in 1939.
clip, female, Eva Hayman, jewish survivor, kindertransport, Nicholas Winton / Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Dutch rescuer and aid provider Jacobus Van Der Geest worked with the US armed forces as an interpreter and provided medical care to wounded American soldiers returning to the USA. Van Der Geest remembers helping a wounded soldier see the Statue of Liberty.
clip, male, aid provider, Jacobus Van Der Geest, America / Wednesday, October 2, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation's annual benefit gala will be held Thursday at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, hosted by Jon Stewart with a special appearance by Sandra Bullock and a musical performance by Norah Jones.
ambassadors for humanity / Wednesday, October 2, 2013
USC Shoah Foundation will toast the humanitarian work of actor George Clooney at its Ambassadors for Humanity gala on Thursday, but it will also offer two unique showcases of its educational work in schools around the world.
ambassadors for humanity, iwitness, teaching with testimony for the 21st century, testimony / Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Stephen Smith, executive director of USC Shoah Foundation, has been named the inaugural UNESCO Chair on Genocide Education.
Stephen Smith, unesco, education / Thursday, October 3, 2013
Even after the Holocaust, other genocides and ethnic cleansings have occurred and still continue. Peter Wolfram reflects on the importance of tolerance to prevent such atrocities from happening, and so people around the world can one day live peacefully together.
clip, jewish survivor, male, Peter Wolfram, future message / Thursday, October 3, 2013
On October 5th 1938 German law required all Jewish passports to be stamped with a large and red letter “J,” for Jude, Jew in German.  M. Austein remembers having to exchange his Austrian passport for a German passport with the letter, “J.”
clip, male, jewish survivor, M Austein, Austria, Jewish passport / Friday, October 4, 2013
We continue our 10-part Echoes and Reflections series with Lesson 4: The Ghettos.
echoes and reflections, testimony, education, teaching / Friday, October 4, 2013
The Jewish Museum in Prague recently debuted a new exhibit dedicated to the Nazi-produced films about the Terezin (Theresienstadt) concentration camp. The Visual History Archive is also a unique resource for Terezin remembrance.
terezin, visual history archive, testimony, Prague, Czech Republic, auschwitz / Monday, October 7, 2013
Livia Bitton-Jackson remembers arriving to Auschwitz as a young girl with her mother and an aunt. Before they entered the camp Livia was stopped by infamous SS physician Josef Mengele.
clip, female, Livia Bitton-Jackson, jewish survivor, auschwitz, Josef Mengele / Monday, October 7, 2013
George Clooney is well known as an actor, director, producer and writer. But it was his global humanitarian efforts that received the attention on Oct. 3 when he was honored with the Ambassador for Humanity Award by Steven Spielberg.
ambassadors for humanity, Steven Spielberg / Monday, October 7, 2013
Lyndell Higgins wanted to teach people about the Holocaust. So, she started to dance. Higgins is the founding director of the Los Angeles-based Stretch Dance Company, which she created in 2010.  The company recently debuted its first full-length dance production, I Have Lived A Thousand Years, based on the popular memoir of Holocaust survivor Dr. Livia Bitton-Jackson. Bitton-Jackson’s testimony is in USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.
/ Tuesday, October 8, 2013
