Linda Breder was a Kanada Kommando in Auschwitz who collected inmates' belongings they were forced to leave behind. Linda remembers how a Nazi soldier disciplined inmates complaining of thirst. Years later Breder testified at that soldier’s war crime trial.   
auschwitz, female, jewish survivor, 70th Anniversary / Friday, March 14, 2014
Renée Firestone remembers arriving at Auschwitz II-Birkenau with her sister, whom she tried desperately to hang onto so they would not be separated.See more clips on Auschwitz
auschwitz, female, jewish survivor, 70th Anniversary / Monday, March 17, 2014
Ruth Brand recalls the horrible intake procedures at Auschwitz including shaving her head, undressing in front of soldiers and only being given one dress.
auschwitz, female, jewish survivor, 70th Anniversary / Friday, March 14, 2014
Survivors describe their memories of Auschwitz in the following selection of English-language clips from the Visual History Archive. A total of 11,780 testimonies in the Visual History Archive mention Auschwitz; these testimonies were conducted in 26 languages and 45 countries.
70th Anniversary, auschwitz, survivors / Friday, March 14, 2014
Pearl Delikat remembers celebrating the Jewish holiday, Purim, with her family.
clip, female, jewish survivor, purim, Pearl Delikat / Friday, March 14, 2014
Over 15 years after he worked as assistant international production coordinator at the Shoah Foundation, Joshua Belkind still regards the experience as one that influenced where he is today.Belkind began interning as an assistant videographer at the Shoah Foundation when he was an undergraduate film major at the University of Southern California around 1995. Over the summer, he said, he recorded 10 interviews a week. He ended up doing over 100 interviews.
/ Friday, March 14, 2014
The first-ever Rated SR Socially Relevant Film Festival will show two USC Shoah Foundation documentaries in its Spotlight on Human Loss March 16 and 17 in New York City.
film / Friday, March 14, 2014
/ Monday, March 17, 2014
Emmanuel talks about the last time he saw his pregnant cousin alive.Born: January 10, 1975City of Birth: Rutonde (Rwamagana, Rwanda)In hiding: Kicukiro (Kigali, Rwanda)Liberated by: Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)Liberation location: Nyamirambo (Kigali, Rwanda)
rwanda, genocide, male, subtitled / Monday, March 17, 2014
After traveling to Rwanda on last summer’s problems Without Passports course, Rebecca Homan is one of the newest interns at the USC Shoah Foundation.
/ Monday, March 17, 2014
Douglas Greenberg is Senior Fellow at the USC Shoah Foundation and Distinguished Professor of History at Rutgers University. Previously he was the Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation, a Professor of History at the University of Southern California, Dean at Princeton University and President of the Chicago Historical Society.
/ Monday, March 17, 2014
Over the last six weeks, I have had the unique opportunity to be the Senior Fellow at USC Shoah Foundation - The Institute for Visual History and Education. It’s been an honor for me to be here, especially since I led the Institute between 2000 and 2008. Returning to this remarkable place, having the opportunity to use the Visual History Archive, and working among dear former colleagues and new friends has been simply thrilling.
Senior Fellow, Volyn, Ukraine, op-eds / Monday, March 17, 2014
The footsteps of Holocaust survivors come to life in IWalks, USC Shoah Foundation’s interactive testimony-based educational program.
iwalk, zach / Monday, March 17, 2014
Holokauszt túlélők és szemtanúk visszaemlékezései vezetik végig a diákokat az egykori gettó területén és más emlékhelyeken új oktatási programunkban (IWalks)Az IWalks elnevezésű új, videóinterjúkra épülő oktatási programban résztvevő diákok a holokauszt túlélői és szemtanúi nyomában járva fedezik fel Budapest emlékhelyeit.
/ Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Národnostný magazín venovaný Komárňanskej židovskej obci, vysielaný 18. 10. 2011, opisuje aj seminár pre učitelov, na ktorom Martin Šmok predstavil archív interview USC Shoah Foundation Institute, skúsenosti s využitím spomienok pamätníkov v regióne, aj urývky z rozhovorov relevantných pre zachytenie židovskej historie Komárna a okolí.In English
/ Tuesday, October 18, 2011
29 вересня 2011 року, вшановуючи 70-ту річницю пам’яті трагедії Бабиного яру в Українському кіноклубі в Берліні відбувся показ “Назви своє ім’я”, фільму Сергія Буковського, продюсованого Інститутом Фонду Шоа Університету Південної Каліфорнії і Фондом Віктора Пінчука. Після фільму відбулася дискусія з журналістом Крістофом Філінгером, позаштатним співробітником офісу Американського Єврейського Комітету в Берліні.
/ Thursday, September 29, 2011
Italian television coverage (RAI) of the launch of a new collection at the Archivio Centrale dello Stato (Central State Archives) containing Italian-language testimonies from the USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive. The Institute's Managing Directory, Kim Simon, was also interviewed for the piece. In Italian with English subtitles.
subtitled, kim simon / Tuesday, March 18, 2014
/ Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Lunedì 26 settembre, alle ore 10.00presso l’Archivio Centrale dello Statoverrà presentato l’accesso on line alle interviste in lingua italiana realizzate tra il 1998 e il 1999 dallo University of Southern California Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education.
/ Wednesday, September 28, 2011
/ Tuesday, March 18, 2014
/ Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Erno Abelesz remembers when German forces occupied his home country of Hungary on March 19, 1944.
clip, male, jewish survivor, Erno Abelesz, hungary, occupation / Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Andrea Szönyi is well aware of the challenges she faces introducing testimony to educators and students in Hungary, but she’s determined to overcome them.
/ Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Home to several of USC Shoah Foundation’s most innovative educational programs, Hungary is a crucial site for the Institute’s work outside the United States.
hungary, teaching with testimony for the 21st century, iwalk, iTeach, Andrea Szőnyi / Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Mirgazim Sabirov was a teenager when he and his family rescued a Jewish family during the mass executions at Babi Yar. His family was not a part of an underground resistance or rescue group but acted alone. The atrocity at Babi Yar claimed the lives of 100,000 men, women, and children.
rescuer, subtitled, male, clip / Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Gisela Dollinger’s husband, Bernard Dollinger was arrested by the Gestapo in Vienna, Austria. Gisela persuaded Gestapo personnel to release her husband and saved Bernard from being deported to a concentration camp. Gestapo personnel told Bernard and Gisela they had two weeks to leave Austria or they would be deported; the couple then fled to Shanghai.
clip, female, jewish survivor, Austria, gestapo, gisela dollinger / Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Seventeen students and alumni of Comcast’s and One Economy's Digital Connectors Program piloted the Institute’s new online application, IWitness. During the program, students utilized IWitness to develop video projects that explored their understanding of the Holocaust and its connection to their own lives. Hear students and educators at the Digital Connectors Program speak about their experience.
/ Wednesday, March 19, 2014
