Responding to the wolves of hate

Mon, 01/28/2019 - 1:22pm

The controversial standoff between a tribal elder and a high school student that went viral has captivated the media and those on all sides of the political aisle. While all the details are still being uncovered, what strikes me is the climate that permeates our nation. We have devolved to a state of “othering” our countrymen, without reflecting on how our own actions may affect one another. We have stopped seeking to understand one another and instead just attack, sometimes even when the facts are not clear. 


The antisemitic vandalism of Elie Wiesel's house hits home

Mon, 09/17/2018 - 10:50am
My father was born and raised in Sighet, Romania, just down the road from the Elie Wiesel's simple blue childhood home. When the Nobel laureate's house was spray-painted with antisemitic slurs this summer, it felt like an attack on my own familial history.

The Kielce Pogrom 1946

A collection of testimony clips of Holocaust survivors who remembering hearing about the pogrom in the Polish town of Kielce.  On July 4, 1946, mobs of Polish people attacked Jewish refugees and survivors returning to their homes after World War II had ended. In these testimony clips eyewitnesses recount the story of how over 40 Jewish people were murdered after they had already survived the Holocaust.  

The Kielce Pogrom 1946

Gabriel Krause on the Kielce Pogrom

Gabriel Krause recalls hearing about the Kielce Pogrom in 1946, Poland.

  • Rachel Huber on the Kielce Pogrom

    Language: English

    Rachel Huber remembers traveling through Poland after the end of the war and hearing about the killing of Jews, those who survived the Holocaust during the Kielce Pogrom in 1946.

  • Gabriel Krause on the Kielce Pogrom

    Language: English

    Gabriel Krause recalls hearing about the Kielce Pogrom in 1946, Poland.

  • Malwina Moses on anti-Semitism in Poland after WWII

    Language: English

    Malwina Moses describes how anti-Semitism continued in Poland after the war including the Keilce Pogrom in 1946.

Odpowiedzialność i prawdomówność nie są przywilejami, ale obowiązkami, szczególnie jak się jest nauczycielem

Mon, 08/15/2016 - 9:32am

Polski nowy, prawicowy rząd chce zmienić sposób nauczania polskich uczniów o Zagładzie Żydów, kreując Polaków na wyłącznie ofiary lub bohaterów. W tej nowej narracji Polacy zawsze pomagali słabszym, byli dobrymi sąsiadami i dbali o mniejszości.


Memory, Identity and Testimony

Tue, 11/03/2015 - 1:55pm

About a year after I joined USC Shoah Foundation, I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre’s Holocaust Education Week in Toronto. The theme that year was about memory and they had graciously invited me, the new Director of Education, to discuss memory in the context of the Institute’s education platform IWitness and testimony-based education.


Gay Pride Month Inspires Testimony and Blog Series

Thu, 06/04/2015 - 5:00pm
In honor of Gay Pride Month, each Friday in June USC Shoah Foundation will publish a testimony clip about the diverse experiences of gay people during the Holocaust.
Edgar Semmel on the arrest of his father post WWII
Technical issues with the video? Let us know.

A Warrior’s Battle with God

Thu, 12/05/2013 - 3:36pm

Sid Shachnow has two Silver Stars, three Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts -- and that's just for his service in Vietnam, where he led his troops with courage and distinction.

“There was no room for conscience,” he confides when discussing his 39 years of military service. “Once I was face to face with a Viet Cong. I had him in my sights as he ran toward me. He dropped his weapon and veered left. I did not pull the trigger. I still do not know if I did the right thing. My conscience got in the way.”


IWitness featured on Free Technology for

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 12:00am

Award-winning blog Free Technology for Teachers featured the Shoah Foundation Institute's new online educational resource, IWitness, citing its archive of videos, interactive activities, and teacher-moderation tools.

