Below is a list of published works by the USC Shoah Foundation Center for Advanced Genocide Research staff and fellows that use the Visual History Archive testimonies.

Avila, Lorena, Nancy Nicholls, and Yael Siman

"Migration Narratives of Holocaust Survivors in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico." In Lessons and Legacies XIV: The Holocaust in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Tim Cole and Simone Gigliotti. Northwestern University Press.

Gruner, Wolf

The Holocaust in Bohemia and Moravia. Czech Initiatives, German Policies, Jewish Responses. New York: Berghahn Books. 

Feferman, Kiril

"Save Your Souls: Jewish Conversion and Survival in the Occupied Soviet Territories During the Holocaust." Modern Judaism 39(2): 184-204. 

Gruner, Wolf, and Steven J. Ross, eds.

New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison. Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life Annual Review, Volume 17. Purdue University Press. 

Rebrova, Irina

"Traumatische Kindheit: Holocaust und Ueberlebenspraktiken Juedischer Kinder in den Besetzen Gebieten des Nordkaukasus." In Kindheiten im Zweiten Weltkrieg, edited by Francesca Weil, Andre Postert, and Alfons Kenkmann, pp. 393-410. Dresden: Hannah-Arendt Instituts fuer Totalitarismusforschung un der TU Dresden.

Gibbs, Chad S. A.

"Lessons from the Treblinka Archive: Transnational Collections and their Implications for Historical Research." Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies 5.
