The following list of publications using testimony from the Institute’s archive is not comprehensive. If you have an academic publication not listed here that used testimony from the archive, please contact us. We would love to acknowledge your work.

McNiff, Kelsey

"On creative writing and historical understanding." Journal of Applied Arts & Health 4.1 (2013): 29-35.

Lichtblau, Albert

"Erinnern im Zeitalter virtueller Realität. Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven des Einsatzes von digitalisierten Video-Interviews mit Zeitzeugen am Beispiel des Shoah Foundation Projektes," in: Diendorfer, Gertraud; Jagdschitz, Gerhard; Rathkolb, Oliver (Hg.):  Zeitgeschichte im Wandel. 3. Österreichische Zeitgeschichtentage 1997, Insbruck/Wien 1998, S. 542-548.

Lichtblau, Albert

"Consideraciones Sobre La Historia Audiovisual. (Spanish)." Historia, Antropologia Y Fuentes Orales 34 (2005): 135-142.

Lerner, Kátia

"Regimes de imagem e poder simbólico: notas sobre algumas concepções de entrevista em disputa." RECIIS 5.2 (2011): 59-68.

Khodaei, Ali, et al.

"SKIF-P: a Point-Based Indexing and Ranking of Web Documents for Spatial-Keyword Search." GeoInformatica 16.3 (2012): 563-596.

Katz, Steven T.

"Thoughts on the Intersection of Rape and Rassenchande during the Holocaust." Modern Judaism 32.3 (2012): 293-322.

Kaplan, Suzanne

"Children in Genocide: Extreme Traumatization and the 'Affect Propeller'." International Journal of Psychoanalysis 87 (2006): 725-46.

Himka, John-Paul

"The Lviv Pogrom of 1941: The Germans, Ukrainian Nationalists, and the Carnival Crowd. " Canadian Slavonic Papers  53.2-4 (2011): 209-244.
