Go Back to School with USC Shoah Foundation Educational Resources
Davis Wamonhi’s own students at Kagarama Secondary School in Kigali, Rwanda, inspired him to use IWitness in his classroom.
Wamonhi’s history students were invited to attend an IWitness pilot at Gisozi Genocide Memorial, where they were introduced to learning history through video testimonies through USC Shoah Foundation’s interactive educational website.
Eötvos Loránd University Presents Visual History Archive to Students and Educators
Students and educators have multiple opportunities to learn about USC Shoah Foundation and explore the Visual History Archive at Eötvos Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest over the next few weeks.
IWitness Reaches 20,000 Users, and Other New Institute Statistics
USC Shoah Foundation added a new country and language to the Visual History Archive and surpassed 20,000 IWitness users in the last quarter of 2013.
Teacher Trainings on the Rise
USC Shoah Foundation educator workshops continue increasing in number and reach. This summer, the program Teaching with Testimony in the 21st Century convened new seminars in Budapest and Prague. In addition, another workshop in Poland is scheduled for November. The program’s offerings draw participants from all across their respective nations.