Visual History Archive Restoration Project 32% Complete
Nine months into USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive Restoration project, technology staff have finished restoring nearly one third of the damaged tapes in the Visual History Archive.
A Damned Good Cry
Kay Andrews, a lecturer at the Institute of Education’s Centre for Holocaust Education, University of London, discusses how testimony is bringing the authentic survivor voice to Holocaust education in the United Kingdom.
Rwandan Testimonies Added to IWitness
Ten Rwandan testimonies from USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive are the latest additions to IWitness, USC Shoah Foundation’s interactive educational website.
Hungarian Nazi War Criminal Laszlo Csatary Dies While Awaiting Trial
Laszlo Csatary, a former Nazi commander and the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s third Most Wanted Nazi War Criminal, died August 12 while awaiting trial in Budapest. He was 98.
Bay Area Holocaust Survivors Honored
Holocaust survivors from the Bay Area of California who have shared their experiences on video, and in numerous in-person appearances, were recognized for their contributions at a ceremony in San Francisco on June 9, 2013.
Italian Institute Joins Visual History Archive Access Sites
USC Shoah Foundation has granted the Istituto Centrale per i beni sonori ed audiovisivi headquarters in Rome full remote access to its Visual History Archive.
The landscape of survivors' stories: Google Maps enhances testimony search engine
The Institute has updated its Visual History Archive (VHA), which now integrates Google Maps for a new way to search the testimonies.