New Nanjing Massacre Testimonies Included in Facing History and Ourselves Resources

On the heels of USC Shoah Foundation’s new partnership with the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall to collect and preserve testimony of Nanjing Massacre survivors, the educational platform Facing History and Ourselves signed an agreement to integrate three of those testimonies into its own educational materials.

Madame Chen

On the 76th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre

As I write this, I am standing alongside 30 of the last 200 survivors of the Nanjing Massacre, which began 76 years ago Friday.

Sirens sound around this Chinese city as the last few eyewitnesses of a massacre gather. Starting Dec. 13, 1937, and lasting six weeks, as many as 300,000 civilians were murdered during the atrocities.

Commemoration of the Nanjing Massacre

USC Shoah Foundation and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall Collaborate To Expand Visual History Archive

USC Shoah Foundation and Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall have embarked on a historic effort to preserve the testimonies of the last survivors of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanjing.



加利福尼亚洛杉矶 2013年12月13日  南加州大学纳粹屠犹基金会与侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆展开历史性的合作,为1937年南京大屠杀最后的幸存者保留证言。新的证言旨在构建起完整的个人生活史,包括他们在南京大屠杀之前和之后的社会文化生活。1937年12月13日,侵华日军占领了当时中国的首都南京,在近两个月时间内杀害了平民与大量解除武装的中国士兵达30万人以上。


