Aleksander Laks on His Life in Brazil

Interviewer: Mr. Laks, what are your activities nowadays?

Aleksander Laks: I'm retired. I'm retired. But I work, I do community-related work. I am a director of the Jewish Federation of Rio de Janeiro.  I am an adviser for the Unified Zionist Organization of Rio de Janeiro. I am President of Sherit Hapleita, the Brazilian Association of Survivors of Nazi Persecution of Rio de Janeiro. I give lectures at Jewish and non-Jewish schools and I will be giving one tomorrow at City College. I am well-known. Yesterday, I spoke at PUC (Pontifícia Universidade Católica). Today I am giving testimony. I was awarded the Pedro Ernesto Medal by councilwoman, Jurema Batista. I have the medal here. I am alive, no? I live in Rio de Janeiro. I am here, I do everything. And my father’s legacy is to be respectful and I always am. I do all of this because my father told me never to forget and to never let it be forgotten. And I always tell what happened.  Keep your conscience. Be yourself. And if someone tells you to do something, kill, or do something wrong, say no, never again, never again. This is my message.