Queer Desire in the Holocaust
Antisemitism on Wikipedia
Recovering Victims’ Voices Lecture Series
Event Details

The Genocide of the Roma in Southeastern Europe (1941-1945)

May 23, 2024 @ 11:00 am
The Flower Monument in Jasenovac, the former concentration and death camp in the Independent State of Croatia, where more than 16,000 Roma were killed during World War II.
The Flower Monument in Jasenovac, the former concentration and death camp in the Independent State of Croatia, where more than 16,000 Roma were killed during World War II.
Dr. Milovan Pisarri, research fellow at Belgrade University, lectures on the mechanisms that led to the Roma Genocide in southeastern Europe, the history of anti-Roma racism, and the reasons behind the general lack of interest in the topic.
Start: May 23, 2024 / 11:00 AM

USC Shoah Foundation Partners with Living Links, First National Organization for Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors

Thu, 05/09/2024 - 9:35am

Living Links, the first national organization created to engage and empower third-generation (3G) descendants of Holocaust survivors, has joined forces with the USC Shoah Foundation. The new partnership will expand a Living Links program that teaches 3Gs to share their family stories in classrooms and with community groups to counter antisemitism, bigotry and hate.

At a time when the number of Holocaust survivors is dwindling and antisemitism is on the rise, 3Gs are uniquely positioned to offer personal accounts about how unchecked intolerance and hate led to the Holocaust.

Messages for the Future on Yom HaShoah

Lea Zajac de Novera’s Dimensions in Testimony Brings Spanish-Language Holocaust Education to Classrooms

Mon, 05/06/2024 - 2:53pm

The USC Shoah Foundation and The Latin American Network for Education on the Shoah (Red LAES) have launched a new educational web page featuring the first Spanish-language Dimensions in Testimony (DiT), an interactive biography that invites students to engage in conversation with the recorded testimony of a Holocaust survivor.

Lotte Schmelzer
Jewish Survivor
Honey Chester
Jewish Survivor
David Fertig
Jewish Survivor
