test - Kaltura
/ Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Kori Street, PhD, director of education for USC Shoah Foundation, will deliver a presentation about its IWitness Program at the University of Miami’s 12th annual Holocaust Teacher Summer Institute on June 13, 2013. Street’s talk, “Learning to Use Holocaust Survivor Testimony in the Classroom,” will address the program’s value in teaching eyewitness history, as well as its ability to help build digital literacy. The Holocaust Teacher Institute is sponsored by the University of Miami School of Education & Human Development and the Miami Dade County Public Schools.
kori street, education, iwitness, presentation, miami, florida / Wednesday, June 12, 2013
When Holocaust survivor Eva Schloss was 23 years old her mother Fritzi married Otto Frank, making her the posthumous stepsister to Anne Frank, who had died eight years earlier in a concentration camp. Like Anne, Eva went into hiding in Holland, and was betrayed, captured, and sent to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Years later Eva’s daughter, Caroline Anne Schloss, was named for Anne, and reminded Otto of his late daughter. Although they were not close friends, Eva remembers meeting Anne and playing with her as a child.
Eva Schloss, Anne Frank, clip, female, jewish survivor / Wednesday, June 12, 2013