Armenian Genocide survivor Haigas Bonapart talks about denial of the genocide. This clip is one of the newest to be published on the IWitness "Watch" page.
clip, Armenian Genocide / Wednesday, December 16, 2015
The IWitness team has added 52 new clips to the Watch page. These clips cover a wide range of topics, from the Armenian Genocide to the Nanjing Massacre.
iwitness / Wednesday, December 16, 2015
The 2015 International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling awarded “Best Paper” to the staff of USC Shoah Foundation’s New Dimensions in Testimony project.
New Dimensions in Testimony / Thursday, December 17, 2015
Jerquila Slaughter’s students were inspired to make a real difference in their community after watching testimony in IWitness.After learning about IWitness at the Dallas Holocaust Museum Center for Education and Tolerance’s summer workshop for teachers, Slaughter began assigning IWitness activities to her students at Gilliam Collegiate Academy this semester.She used IWitness in her elective course that covers topics such as genocide and gentrification this semester and plans to also use IWitness in her Advanced Research course this spring.
/ Thursday, December 17, 2015
As 2015 comes to an end our education team takes a look at the 10 IWitness activities most assigned by educators.
iwitness, education, 2015, op-eds / Friday, December 18, 2015
A smartphone app makes it possible to view testimony clips from the Visual History Archive that are linked to the new book Witness: Passing the Torch of Holocaust Memory to New Generations.
March of the Living, book / Friday, December 18, 2015
Olga Menczer describes how her family celebrated Hanukkah while she was growing up in Hungary.
/ Monday, December 21, 2015
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21, 2015 – Longtime USC Shoah Foundation board member Mickey Shapiro has given a gift to fund an endowed research fellowship program at the Institute’s Center for Advanced Genocide Research in honor of his parents, Sara and Asa Shapiro, who both survived the Holocaust.
mickey shapiro, fellowship / Monday, December 21, 2015
A teacher in Hungary used testimony to introduce some of her school’s youngest students to Jewish culture.
Teaching with Testimony, Teaching with Testimony in 21st Century, Andrea Szőnyi, hungary, budapest / Monday, December 21, 2015
Ruth talks about her time with her foster family and celebrating Christmas. She was able to celebrate Hanukkah as well, but she talks about enjoying celebrating Christmas with the family and how she finally felt accepted.
clip, christmas / Monday, December 21, 2015
Rose Burizihiza describes how the Hutu leaders in her town met to plan how they would kill the local Tutsis.
clip, Rwandan Genocide / Monday, December 21, 2015
Hermina talks about celebrating Christmas as a child with her family and the holiday treats she still makes today for Christmas and New Year's.
clip, christmas / Monday, December 21, 2015
Longtime USC Shoah Foundation board member Mickey Shapiro has given a gift to fund an endowed research fellowship program at the Institute’s Center for Advanced Genocide Research in honor of his parents, Sara and Asa Shapiro, who both survived the Holocaust.
mickey shapiro, fellow, fellowship / Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Moshe Avital describes the two public schools in Czechoslovakia and how most Jewish students went to the Czech school and the non-Jewish students went to the Russian school. His Czech school was very strict and taught at a very high level, which provided him the opportunity to learn about Czech language, literature, geography, and many other subjects.
clip, Czechoslovakia / Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The last Holocaust survivor to record an interview for USC Shoah Foundation’s New Dimensions in Testimony program in 2015 was Eva Schloss, survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Anne Frank’s stepsister.
New Dimensions in Testimony, Eva Schloss, Anne Frank / Monday, January 4, 2016
Blog co-authors, Lauren Fenech and Steffanie Grotz both teach 8th grade Advanced English Language Arts at Inverness Middle School in Florida.  
/ Tuesday, January 5, 2016
As educators, when we go into teaching, we go in with what some might call ideological visions: This concept that we can and will make a difference; this idea that the children we teach will take the lessons we’ve taught and use them to become productive people long after they leave the four walls of our classroom. As we sit here now, reflecting on our most recent efforts to teach the Holocaust in a profound manner that gives justice and honor to the victims of this atrocity, we feel fortunate that such ideologies are being lived in our classroom.
iwitness, IWitness in Action, education, beginswithme, discrimination, op-eds / Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Renee describes the active Jewish cultural life that existed in her hometown of Goworowo, Poland, before the German invasion.
clip, poland / Tuesday, January 5, 2016
USC Shoah Foundation’s international consultants in Poland and Czech Republic ended 2015 introducing the work of the Institute to new audiences.
poland, Czech Republic, Monika Koszynska, Martin Smok, teacher training / Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 201512 - 1:30 p.m. (Lunch served)USC Gould, Musick Law Building, Room 130USC Shoah Foundation will co-sponsor this public lecture with the USC Gould School of Law's International Human Rights Clinic, the International Law and Relations and the International Rfugee Assistance Project.
/ Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Rwandan Tutsi Genocide survivor Francoise Muteteli describes how one woman saved her life during the genocide by helping her hide. This clip is part of the IWitness activity The Bystander Effect.
clip, Rwandan Genocide / Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Students all over the world can now complete an IWitness activity about the dangers of being a bystander that was first piloted in the United States and Rwanda.
Begins With Me, beginswithme, rwanda, IWitness activity / Wednesday, January 6, 2016
The four scholars who two years ago found their research transformed by the Visual History Archive will return to USC Shoah Foundation for a public presentation and a week of conducting new research.
geography, visual history archive / Thursday, January 7, 2016
Walter Gordon describes his and his brother's journey from Lyon, France, to London, England, in 1938, to avoid the impending German invasion. They made their illegal border crossing on foot, in a boat, swimming, hiding in the mountains, and finally on a train to London.
clip / Thursday, January 7, 2016
A lecture by Dan Stone (Royal Holloway, University of London)USC, Herklotz Room, Doheny Memorial Library (Music Library) 
cagr / Thursday, January 7, 2016
Public visits to USC Shoah Foundation give guests a chance to explore the life stories of survivors and witnesses to genocide preserved in the Visual History Archive, and how testimony is used to overcome prejudice, intolerance and hatred.Description:
/ Friday, January 8, 2016
When Maetal Haas-Kogan was just a few months old, her great-grandfather Benjamin Oudkerk gave his testimony to USC Shoah Foundation. Now, she’s a Harvard freshman and spending half of her winter break interning in USC Shoah Foundation’s education department.Haas-Kogan said she grew up hearing stories about her family’s survival of the Holocaust. Her great-grandfather had survived the war mostly hiding in the home of friends who were also part of the resistance underground movement, and adopted her grandfather as a young boy after the war.
/ Friday, January 8, 2016
Benjamin Oudkerk says that he decided to give his testimony so that his grandchildren could hear his story, and also to share how the kindness of one family saved his life.
clip / Friday, January 8, 2016
The first IWitness Twitter chat for educators of 2016 will be hosted by Facing History and Ourselves, on Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 4 p.m. PST/7 p.m. EST.
iwitness, Twitter Chat, facing history / Friday, January 8, 2016
In an effort to create a deeper engagement with educators online, USC Shoah Foundation’s IWitness will host Twitter chat's on the 2nd or 4th Wednesday of every month. Meet fellow IWitness educators, ask questions directly to the IWitness team and join the IWitness community.Follow the IWitness twitter account @USCIWitness and to join the chat follow and send tweets with #IWitnessChat.
#IWitnessChat / Friday, January 8, 2016
