Join the USC Armenian Student Association, SFISA, and USC Shoah Foundation as they commemorate the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide.Tommy Trojan 12-2 PM
/ Wednesday, April 9, 2014
April 8 marked International Roma Day, which aims to bring attention to the marginalization and racism affecting the Roma minority in Europe. USC Shoah Foundation educational consultant and historian Mikhail Tyaglyy believes testimony is one important way of fighting against the bigotry and intolerance that still affect people decades after the Holocaust.Tyaglyy spent two years as an interviewer for the Shoah Foundation in the 1990s, conducting around 100 testimonies of Jewish Holocaust survivors, Krimchaks and rescuers in Crimea.
/ Wednesday, April 9, 2014
USC Shoah Foundation’s 2014 teaching and research fellowships have been awarded to professors and students from a diverse range of disciplines, including writing, anthropology, law and history.
fellows, fellowship, research fellow, teaching fellow / Wednesday, April 9, 2014